FILTH, thought I'd be nice as I made you wait a while for a new chap before


I took Colby's shirt off as the first, most dire point of action. He let me trail my fingertips all over his torso as he kissed me again, backing me up slowly toward our bed. Before I could drop like I normally did, he reached down and practically tore my own shirt from me, just barely allowing me to more carefully take off one of my favourite pairs of joggers that I didn't want ruined. Then he was on top of me and one hand was in his hair, the other trailing slowly down the centre of his chest.

His lips tore from mine to my neck, where he left harsh nips and wet kisses. I was already biting my lip to prevent too much noise from bothering the others, as I was getting more fed up of hearing their comments the more time I spent in bed with Colby.

Somehow, without my notice, he'd slipped off his jeans and I only heard his belt hitting the floor before his lower half slid between my legs. I cradled his face now as he began rocking into me, driving me a little crazy with how slow he was going. I wanted so much more.

Using the bed for support, I pushed until I was sitting up and Colby pulled back. He sat down then shuffled backward on the bed until he was leaning against the headboard, and I sat down on his lap. My chest was blatantly in his face, but he tilted his head back for another kiss instead. As our lips worked together, I rolled my hips on top of his, growing more excited by the second. We didn't need foreplay today, I just wanted him. I always seemed to want him.

He slipped his underwear down slightly and shifted mine to the side, raising me up by the hips so I could carefully lower onto him. A swift hiss escaped both of us, this position feeling deeper for me than almost anything else. The pressure was mind-numbingly intense and having him right there in front of me, where I could watch those pretty eyes shift as every sensation rattled through him, was intimidatingly intimate.

The noises coming out of my mouth were soft, reflecting the slow pace I was moving on him. He wasn't so quiet, either, though he was only breathing heavily and assaulting my mouth every chance he got.

My stomach tied in a knot that was only pulling tighter with every movement. I had to pull back from our kiss to bury my face in his neck, resisting the urge to bite him immediately. His mark was staring back at me temptingly. But I didn't give in just yet.

Licking a line along his jugular, I playfully nipped just under his jaw and he practically slammed my hips down onto his. Completely unsuspecting, I moaned a little too loud and lost my shit. My canines slipped out before I could even stop them and clamped straight onto his neck. His body tensed up as he hissed from a mixture of pleasure, both of us losing ourselves in the moment. The knot finally released, leaving me with nothing but swirls of contentment and satisfaction that spread throughout my entire body.

Colby, slightly more animated than me, lifted me from his lap and gently laid me down, hovering above with his lips on my throat now instead. He placed gentle, sweet kisses as I gradually found myself back in the same room as him. Those pretty red eyes flickered blue for only a second and I knew he was struggling to keep control of himself so close to my veins. So I pulled him up for another kiss, this time to distract him.

His fingers danced down the skin of my thigh, which only served to draw even more need for him. He pulled away to show me his blue eyes back to normal, an element of pride in his face that he'd finally regained sanity. But I intended to change that once more.





Sam cast a curious glance at Mike when the softest knock we'd heard in our lives came from the front door. I, myself, was unnerved by the unexpected visitor, as we rarely had anyone outside of this group visit unannounced. After all, since Amira's arrival, we'd been tasked with warning every single one of our allies that without the excuse of an emergency, they were never to come to the house unless invited, in case Amira was here alone for any reason.

So cautious and morbidly curious, we all zipped into the hallway to watch Kevin's back as he moved to the front door to open it. I stood just a step in front of Reggie since I was stronger than him, prepared to sprint outside to attack.

And I really thought I was going to have to when I saw a familiar face.

"Is Amira here?"

Kevin's eyes narrowed, as Sam edged forward. "Why? You're not welcome and she'd be the first to say it if she saw you on our doorstep."

Our visitor rocked side to side on their feet, looking to the ground like they were ashamed. "I know but I need to talk to her."

"I doubt she wants to talk to you."

"Five minutes..." Their eyes scanned from person to person searching for the weakest target who'd argue on their behalf. "Please," he finished, returning to Sam's gaze.

Sam looked back at me for guidance. A lot of them did that, and sometimes I wanted to tell them to just get to know Amira themselves. As much as I agreed with Sam that she definitely did not want to even see this person, I had to admit that she'd at least want the chance to tell them to fuck off herself. So I nodded at Sam.

"Alright," he agreed, "but you're staying out there unless she invites you in."

"Okay. Where... Where is she?" They sounded nervous.

Kevin's pursed lips spread into a wide grin as he crossed his arms and reclined against the wall, vaguely motioning his head toward the ceiling. "They are busy at the moment."

The visitor's eyes widened. "Oh."

"Uh huh."

"Your timing's... fairly lucky," Sam muttered awkwardly, then turned his head toward the stairs and sucked in a sharp breath. "GUYS! Quit what you're doing for a minute. We have a visitor."

There was no response from either of them, not even a scoff or a snicker like we usually got back when we tried to pull them from their own little bubble. I felt myself frowning. Luckily, Sam knew his best friend quite well.

"It's Kian!"

That did it.


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