Male in the belly?

Start from the beginning


Fade into fields of clouds. After a few moments, Rhaenyra comes into frame riding Syrax.

"My mother is still beautiful even as young." Percy complimented. "She is." A simpful Poseidon said as Percy looked at him feeling protective of his mother even in her old life.

Eventually they approach the Red Keep, and behind it, King's Landing and the Dragonpit. A shot from the ground shows Syrax flying overhead as peasants walk the streets. Syrax lands in some dirt by the Dragonpit.

Two Dragonkeepers approach. The older one holds his spear out to prevent the younger one from getting too close.

"Please don't hurt it." Artemis and Athena said all in sync.

"Dohaeras, Syrax." The dragonkeeper elder said as the older Dragonkeeper nods at the younger. "Umbas. Rybas." The younger dragonkeeper said as Rhaenyra hops off of Syrax's back and pets her neck.

"Welcome back, Princess." Harrold said as Rhaenyra looks over to see Ser Harrold Westerling nearby on horseback.

"Wrestling on a horse....could never." Clarisse said with a smirk.

"I trust your ride was pleasant." Harrold said in relief. "Try not to look too relieved, ser." Rhaenyra said. "I am relieved. Every time that golden beast brings you back unspoiled, it saves my head from a spike." Harrold said seriously.

"I would do that if something happens to her." Poseidon said as Zeus looked at him. "You are seriously obsessive over a mortal who you then divorce your wife for." Zeus called Poseidon out.

"Who wouldn't? She's wonderful." Percy said looking at Zeus like he wouldn't look at her with love eyes. Trust me he saw Zeus do it before and he is not happy.

Rhaenyra approaches a carriage where Alicent Hightower is standing.

"Syrax is growing quickly. She'll soon be as large as Caraxes." Alicent said. "That's almost large enough to saddle two." Rhaenyra said hopefully. "I believe I'm quite content as a spectator, thank you." Alicent said as Rhaenyra looked sad.

"It seems she have a crush." Hestia cooed. "If it makes my mom happy then I'm happy." Percy said with a smile. Poseidon let out a breath "I'm happy for her to." Poseidon said.

"Dohaeras. Naejot." The dragonkeeper elder said as the dragonkeepers lead Syrax into the Dragonpit.

Cut to Rhaenyra and Alicent's carriage leaving, with various shots of the city. The carriage eventually arrives at the Red Keep.

"The city looks beautiful." Athena whispered. "It is." Annabeth agreed with her.


Rhaenyra and Alicent walk through a courtyard in the Red Keep and through various halls before arriving at Aemma's room. Aemma is heavily pregnant, laying on a couch and attended by various servants.

"That her mother? She still looks young." Artemis said feeling sad for Aemma.

"Ah... Rhaenyra." Aemma said in some pain as the camera pans from Aemma to Rhaenyra as she and Alicent enter.

"You know I don't like you to go flying while I'm in this condition." Aemma said. "You don't like me to go flying while you're in any condition." Rhaenyra replied. "Your Grace." Alicent greeted. "Good morrow, Alicent." Aemma said being kind.

"I feel like this Alicent girl is gonna make some problems in the future." Percy said as Annabeth looked at him. "Why are you making a judgement already?" Annabeth asked defending Alicent.

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