"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked.

"People Tom. The exact same amount of people that were called out this morning at breakfast." Paige said.

"They bring new ones in every night like clockwork." The boy said looking at Paige then Thomas.

"They're taking them." Paige said her eyes flickering trying to link up the dots. "She had a key that looked exactly like Janson's that means most of the staff might have them. We need to get one. Get in that room and see what's happening."

"Sounds like a plan." The boy said.

"Your Aris right." Thomas said looking at the boy. "The one who's been here the longest?"

"Yeah." Aris answered.

"Can we trust you Aris?" Thomas asked.

"If I can trust you". Aris said who started to crawl away.

"Okay. Okay." Paige said. Thomas looked over at her and noticed she had something planned by the smirk on her face.

"What's the plan?" Thomas said looking at Paige.

"Tom. We haven't had any connection with Teresa right?" Paige said with Thomas nodding. "So when they call more names out at lunch tomorrow. Go up to the men at the door and fight with them. They won't let you through. So whilst they're fighting with you grab the key card off them."

"Smart idea." Aris said.

"And then?" Thomas asked.

"We'll get thrown back into our rooms and that's when we meet back here." Paige said looking between the boys.

"You're smart. I can trust you. You're lucky you have her." Aris said.

"Yeah I know." Thomas said looking at Paige. "Why did you show us this?"

"You're curious. Not like anyone. Maybe the others will listen to you." Aris said. "I mean I don't think anyone ever leaves this place."

"Yeah but why us? Why not Newt he's the glue. The one that holds us all together." Paige said.

"If this is something bigger than this. If it's something bad. You two could get everyone out. Or at least your friends and me." Aris said. "If these people aren't who they say they are and they're working for wicked. I'm sure you two will do everything to stop it." Thomas looked at Paige and Paige looked at Thomas.

Waiting for Jason to take the other survivors from other Maze's Thomas's eyes filled with anger and confusion. Almost off the seat Thomas waited for them to be taken into the room.

"I want to know what's through that door." Thomas said keeping his eyes on Jason.

"We've been over this. It could be anything under those sheets." Newt said sighing.

"They were bodies." Thomas said whispering under Jason's shouting. "Aris said they bring in new ones every night."

"Every night. The same amount of people that are being called out." Paige added on.

"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho asked sitting across from Paige and Thomas. Thomas pointed over at a Aris. His hood over his head and fiddling with his food.

"Well I'm sold." Minho said looking back at Thomas.

"Thank you for your attention. Enjoy the rest of your evening." Jason said following the last of the line. Paige stopped looking at the line then at Thomas. Thomas looked back at her.

"What are you two doing?" Frypan asked sighing knowing something bad would happen.

"Let's just keep our heads down and not bring any attention to ourselves." Newt said. Opening the door, the guard had the same key card as Janson and the lady.

"See." Paige said. "All have the same keycard."
Banging on the table, Thomas got up and started walking to the door. Getting closer, he started to scratch the back of his head like he was looking for something.

"What's he doing?" Winston asked.

"Drawing attention to himself." Frypan answered. Watching, Paige looked at the two men and could see they had guns. With one bullet Thomas could be dead. Suddenly, Paige got up to catching up with Thomas.

"Now both of them." Minho said sighing like it was a normal thing now.

"Well. We know it's going to be a show." Winston said smirking with Frypan. Aris watched on wondering if it would work or not. Before Thomas could get through the guard placed his hand on Thomas's chest stopping him and Paige behind him.

"Woah. Your name wasn't called." He said.

"Yeah I know I'm just going to be a second." Thomas said trying to get through again.

"This is a restricted area kid."

"I just want to see my friend. Can you left me through?" Thomas said starting to get agitated.

"Get your ass back in that chair." The guards finger made contact with Thomas' chest hard. Turning around, Thomas' eyes flickered then quickly he turned around again running for the door. Paige watched on waiting for her chance. The guard pushed Thomas back with all his strength.

"Back off." The guard said getting angry.

"What's your problem man?!" Thomas said pushing the guard back. "Why won't you let me see her? Huh!"

"Back of-" The guard was cut off by Janson who pushed Thomas back into the other Gladers who were now running towards Thomas holding him back.

"Thomas. I thought we could trust each other." Janson said getting right into his face placing his hand on his shoulder. "We're all on the same team here."

"Are we?" Thomas asked taking a step closer. His eyebrows lifting like they both knew the answer. Tapping his finger on Thomas' shoulder his lip would come up at one point before he said.

"Take them all back to their bunks. Except her. She's coming with us." Janson said looking over at Thomas. Panic in Paige's eyes set in as she walked to Thomas.

"No she stays with us." Thomas said, pushing Paige behind him. Placing the key card in Thomas's hand she stood behind him.

"She comes with us." Janson said.

"She stays." Thomas said.

"Fine." Janson said. "See you kids tomorrow."

Rushed into the room they were all sharing, Thomas and Paige looked at each other fright shone in their eyes.

"You get it?" Paige asked.

"Yeah. Got it. Let's go." Thomas said as Aris opening the vent, causing the Gladers to jump away from the vent.

"Come on. We have a gap before the next guard comes on duty." Aris' voice echoed in the gloomy vent. Crawling down Paige would be followed by Thomas.

"Wait Thomas." Newt said getting down under the bed of Thomas'.

"Ye." Thomas replied stopping crawling.

"Just make sure nothing happens to Paige." Minho said.

"Like I'm going to let anything happen to her." Thomas replied starting to crawl off again. Hearing this, the girl smiled to herself.


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