𝟚𝟚 || What Mostly Can Be Done

Start bij het begin

Felix puts his hand on top of his cheek and looked at his boyfriend rushing towards the locker room. He smiled a sad smile.

Just minutes after, Hyunjin came back and shared with Felix a long grateful kiss for congratulating him.

Hyunjin:“let go have lunch, I'm hungry”




[3 days later]

Hyunjin was actually nervous.

His competition is in 10 minutes and he was about to shit his pants.

Not actually his pants but swimming suit.

And there no sign of Felix.

He told him that he's going to arrive before the competition but he still didn't show up.

Just after minutes, he was called for the show, when he had to stand besides other professionals swimmers.

But that wasn't the problem to Hyunjin because he was sure he'll do a better job that results in him training for so long.

And he wouldn't lose this moment.

He will win that trophy and propose to Felix.

You heard me right.

He's going to give Felix a ring.

He's going to claim him his.

Picturing that scenario multiple times before he was about to start his competition.

He wore his goggles and start warming up.

He look around the pool were people and photographers and journalists from around the same industry gather around to watch the finals of the Korea swimming national championship.

And the winner would have the ability to compete globally.

And that what Hyunjin is aiming for.

He spot his boyfriend just a minute before his competition.

He waved and smiled at him who waved back and that made up Hyunjin's world.

Just when the sound of the loud horn went on, Hyunjin jumped into the water swimming his life out.

Thinking only one thing and that is his boyfriend and the scenario he has in his mind of proposing to him.

Once he arrived at the beginning point he looked back seeing other swimmers were 3 seconds later than he is.

Hyunjin won.

Confetti every where and Hyunjin's coach running towards him happy, other swimmers were disappointed that they lost against some newbie, and the journalist and photographers couldn't stop taking pictures and recording his success.

But Hyunjin only wanted to go to Felix.

His boyfriend left the pool and Hyunjin saw where he was going so he excuse himself from everyone and promise to come back.

He run after Felix and Called.


He ran towards his boyfriend but only to stop in front of him by inches away.

Felix smiled and clapped.

Felix:“congratulations, you made it”

Hyunjin hold Felix's hands with both of his hands.

Hyunjin:“I wouldn't do it without you by my side, I love you freckles and I want to stay with you forever... let get married!!”

This took him by surprise.

Felix(blushing):“you want to marry me?”

His ears wasn't believing what it was hearing, Hyunjin was proposing to him right now.

The swimmer only chuckled finding his sudden propose a bit rushy.

Hyunjin:“not now but after two years or maybe four, I don't care... I want you by my side lixie”

He removed a sliver ring from his right hand's ring finger and gave it to Felix.

Felix:“promise rings?”

He gave him rings too.

Hyunjin:“say yes, freckles...”

Felix looked at Hyunjin with stars on his eyes, picturing the rest of his life with his boyfriend, it was something he wanted all this years.

Felix:“but I didn't come here to receive this”

He returned the ring.

Hyunjin was dumbfounded.


Felix was fighting the urge to cry.

Felix:“I'm leaving Korea...forever”

The sudden news made his work collapse in front of his eyes.

Hyunjin(yelling):“wait what... I don't understand? WHYYYYY?!!”

He knows the reason very well why does his boyfriend was breaking up with him but he chooses to be stupid and ask why.

Felix:“because we are cheaters, I can't date you when you remind me of Jina, she didn't deserve this and we don't deserve this”

Hyunjin looked at his fist, the ring was in there but it useless now.

Because the owner of the ring does no longer want to be with him.

Hyunjin:“you're leaving me? This was your decision?”

This was also hard for Felix, he spend the last month to prepare for this Farwell.

Felix:“yes, I'm sorry Hyunjin, i do love you from the bottom of my heart and the idea of spending the rest of my life with you is a dream come true but... I can't do this”

He can't do this, Felix can't betray anyone and he can't stay with Hyunjin either... for everything to be even and in the same level.

They had to broke up.

Hyunjin:“this is it, we're broking up... Aera was right, I don't deserve any happiness after the things I did to her by using you. I'm sorry Felix for including you into this, I hope you move on for me and have another person whose better than me in your life”

At the end, Hyunjin took a turn walking towards the opposite direction returning to the main pool to receive his golden prize and do his interview for his debut as a professional Olympic swimmer.

While Felix cried himself in silence alone at the entrance because how could he move on when he loves the swimmer so much.

If they hadn't decided to cheat, the ending would be different than this.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕

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