Chapter 1

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We see a girl with purple hair just drawing in the sand something and making a creature out of sand

When someone kicked the sand into her face and she looked up to see a boy with a blond hair he was about to punch her but a different boy ran over and got knocked in his face and even a bloody nose

?????: you useless human being why can't you mind your own dame business you Deku

He walked away and the girl looks at deku seeing black eye his tooth chipped and his nose running like a river

????: o-oh my gosh a-are you ok?

Deku: I don't think so my nose feel broken and my face feels numb

???? Pulled out a paper and something was on it she asked if she could rub it on him he said sure

She did what she could and he said he felt somewhat better and she smiled and has some red on her face

????: am kyoka jirou

Deku: am Izuku midoriya 

Kyoka: oh am sorry I didn't know

Izuku: it's f-fine

Kyoak: so can I call you Izuku?

Izuku: i g-guess only if I can call you Kyoka

Kyoka: that a deal/ she smiled at him and he did the same

She stood up and asked if he wanted to help getting home to but he said he was only five minutes away form here she said ok and watch him leave

Kyoka grip her chest and walked away walking in the direction of her home where she entered a huge temple seeing her mother on her knees

She held a paint brush and a guitar to the side of her she smiled and started to write something on a piece of paper

Mika: what's wrong dear?

Kyoka: nothing is mom

Mika: well come practice with me dear

Kyoka kneeled down and given a few papers and a inked brush she started to write on the paper

Let's go to Izuku who has just walked into his house with his injuries still a little fresh and his mom saw this and rushed to him

Inko: what happened to you was it bakugo again


Inko: am gonna have to speak with his mother about this

Izuku: pls mom I don't want trouble with them again

Inko: but I need to do something about it it's really becoming a problem for us

Izuku: I know mama but pls if it happens again I'll let you go full mama bear on them

Inko: dame right will I'll give them the slipper

Izuku: mama no that's to much

Inko: not for my baby boy

Izuku felt he pinching his cheeks and telling him how she will always there for him

Izuku told her he is heading to bed and she looked a little sadden by that since he often asked for a meal after a bad day

She walked into his room seeing him asleep she walked over and tucked him in even though he is asleep he will always be her baby boy

The next day Izuku was in class drawing on some paper and he felt something hit his head he looked behind him and saw the same kid bullying him again

Izuku just ignored him as bakugo throw something a little heavier than before once it hit his head Izuku touched it a few times and felt blood coming out

Izuku got up and went to the teacher telling her what happened and she looked at bakugo with a little rage she walked over pulling up his arm seeing multiple razor blades he was about to throw at Izuku

She pulled him to the front of the class and grabbed a wooden spoon she started to hit his ass with the spoon saying this is what happens in hell if he continues with this behavior

Izuku and many others watch as their teacher teach bakugo a lesson in manners

Later at recess Izuku was still rubbing his head because it hurts like hell still

When he saw Kyoka walked over with her hands together in front of her

Izuku: oh hi Kyoka

Kyoka: hi Izu

Izuku and Kyoka sat at the same table and started talking about things when Kyoka saw a swing set and asked if he could push her

He agreed and was dragged to the swing set she sat on the seat and held on while he started to push her down and forth she was getting scared of the heights she was going

Izuku: is that to high for you?

Kyoka: y-yes! Pls stop or slow down a little

Izuku: o-oh sorry

He catches her and asked if she wanted to do something else? She said maybe the spinning wheel things

Izuku: the Mary go around?

Kyoka: yeah that

Izuku: sure we can do that

They walked over to it and she sat down holding onto the bars waiting for him to push it and when he did it she was actually enjoying it

He jumped on making it go even faster than before he held onto it and was about to fly off

When it finally came to a stop Kyoka and Izuku were spinning and fell down

They were laughing as they heard the bell ringing they got up and walked to their own classes saying they will meet tomorrow

Izuku walked into the classroom and saw Bakugo apologize to him and the teacher showed a thumbs up and a wink

Izuku: I don't accept your apologies

Teacher: he understands right

Katsuki: yes

Izuku: well I got to go thank you Ms nemuri

Nemuiri: no problem dear I do anything for my students

Izuku walked away and bakugo followed by Izuku walked home and bakugo waited for his mom to pick him up

Izuku walked inside seeing a meal form his mother and he sat down and she said how was his day he explained how he spent his time with Kyoka

Inko: oh my baby boy already have girls on his mind

Izuku: mom gross no she just a friend

Inko: sure/ rolling her eyes

Both enjoying their meal and having a nice time together and even watching a movie like old times the movie she chose was really a favorite of theirs

Izuku passed out on his mother shoulder she smiled and cried a little knowing her son is growing up so fast without her

She took him to his room and tucked him in and kissed his forehead saying she will never stop loving him she closed the door smiling

1103 words and I hope you enjoyed

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