Dev Log #3

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{This Dev Log was recorded onto a SD (Super Density) Disc as Jim wanted to try the compact format out for a single time. For more info on the SD Discs, read the page about the DVD format on Wikipedia for a bit of history.}

(Date of recording: 1995/3/6}

[Jim] "This is.... Dev Log number... three."
[Jim] "I'm recording onto a SD Disc instead of a VHS just this once for... testing purposes."

[Jim] "Heard about the development of a new compact disc format called DVD."
*The camera switches over to the right and we see a VHS recording setup.*
[Jim] "As you can see.... I usually use a Betamax for the playback... and... The only reason i'm even doing this job is to afford more equipment for this setup so I can record from my Betamax... internally.... to the office PC."
*the camera switches back to the PC.*
[Jim] "The engine's doing great, actually.."
[Jim] "And I got to voice Mario in the Second Season Premiere of Nintendo Mania."
(Author's note: watch "Promo show" and then "Epilogue" on Greenio's channel for context.)
*knock on the door*
[???] "Jim, let me in, damn it!"
[Jim] "Oh my god.... *groans*"

*The tape ends*

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