Chapter 5: Archie

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A/N: To our RoxChie babies, I believe that you are all smart, confidently beautiful people with a heart (Shoutout to Queen P!), and I trust your judgment.

Know that if you are uncomfortable with mature themes, that's okay. ❤️

(Spoiler? You won't miss much.)

However, this will be your one and only warning.

Happy reading!


“Strawberry?” He murmured against her neck, enjoying how her breath hitched as he nuzzled against her soft skin.

She sighed and tilted her head to the side, giving his lips more space to explore.

And explore he did - with the gentle brush of his lips, the sweet butterfly kisses, and the barely restrained nips of his teeth.


Every moment with her is a heady experience, every minute a thrilling ride.

“Hmmm…” Her index finger lightly traced invisible lines on his chest, pausing in the middle to gently tap one of the buttons.

And then she pushed him back.

With her slight frame, she only managed to put a few inches between them, but it still caught Archie by surprise.

Everything came to a halt.

His thoughts, his breath.

Even the wandering fingers underneath her skirt, drawing small circles on her inner thighs.

His steady gaze locked on hers - as if they’re engaged in an intense battle of wills. 

But he waited - for a sign, for her to give in, for her to decide his next move.

And then the corner of her lips - pink and swollen thanks to him - tilted up in a radiant smile. 

“Nope, hindi strawberry,” she happily announced. 

He laughed, amused by her antics. Right then he knew.

He will never get enough of her.

Her hands held in his as they strolled in the school grounds.

Her body against the wall caged in his arms.

Her legs wrapped around his waist while they make lo - 

Unable to resist, he stepped forward and pushed her back against the fire exit door. “No?” He confirmed, as he lifted his right hand and started toying with the thin strap on her left shoulder.

“No,” she whispered. Her eyes were hazy, probably feeling drunk from the heat just like him. She bit her lip, then slowly reached for his shirt. 

She stole a glance, as if making sure he’s watching every single move.

She flicked the button on his shirt and triumphantly said, “Mine!” Her smile so huge and contagious, he couldn’t help but grin ear to ear. 

“Fine,” he said, pretending to be miffed with how their game is playing out. His left hand eagerly reached for the button, and said, “Oh yan, yours na.” Then his fingers deftly slipped the small round disc off its matching hole.

He caught her biting her lip while heatedly staring at him. He smirked. “The feeling’s mutual, babe.”

A dark shade of red immediately stained her cheeks, and she smiled sheepishly - a little mortified after he noticed her checking him out. 

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