Chapter 1

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"Lo'ak, you better be awake and getting ready!" Neytiri yelled, her voice booming through the house. A groggy Lo'ak trudged down the stairs, rubbing his eyes. "I'm right here mama, calm down..." the boy mumbled.

"Why are you still in your pyjamas?" Neytiri asked sternly. Lo'ak grabbed a bowl, a box of cereal and some milk, then sat down at the dining table and shrugged despite having an answer ready. "I'm gonna change soon, I wanna have something to eat first," he replied.

Tuk was sitting on the couch, shovelling Froot Loops into her mouth as she watched her favourite show. Neytiri pinched the bridge of her nose and sucked in a breath, looking back at her son. "Whatever, as long as you're ready to go in half an hour. I am not having a repeat of last week, you hear me?"

Lo'ak nodded and poured his milk on top of the cereal. He put a spoonful in his mouth as Neteyam walked down the stairs. He also hadn't changed and was donning plaid pyjama pants with a white tank top. Neytiri sighed and shook her head.

"Morning, ma..." Neteyam mumbled sleepily. Neytiri sighed and responded with a quiet, "Good morning."

The final Sully kid came down the stairs and Neytiri was relieved to see that Kiri was already in proper clothes, unlike her brothers. "Morning, ma!" She chimed, swiping an apple from the fruit bowl and walking over to the sink to rinse it off before taking a bite.

"I've already said this to Lo'ak, but for you other two," Neytiri said, looking between Neteyam and Tuk, "You better be dressed and ready to go in half an hour."

They both nodded, and Tuk went back to her show while Neteyam finished making himself a bowl of cereal.

Monday mornings were always a dreaded time for the Sully family. For Neytiri and Jake, it meant having to wrangle four kids and get them to school in time, and for the kids, it meant the start of having to wake up early for five days straight.

The sound of keys jingling was heard by the front door just before it swung open and Jake walked through. "Where have you been?" Neytiri asked, and Jake entered the kitchen. He pulled out a barstool and sat at the edge of the island, putting his keys down on the surface.

"Just went to make an appointment with the career counsellor," he said, looking at his wife. She looked slightly disapproving but didn't say anything, instead she continued to wipe down the marble surface of the island.

"I still don't understand why you aren't happy with your current job," she muttered after a period of silence, and Jake sighed. "Not right now, baby," he replied, giving a quick look to their sons, to which Neytiri just pursed her lips.

"Lo'ak, Neteyam, it shouldn't take that long to eat some Cornflakes. Get off the table and go get ready. Same with you, Kiri," Jake said.

The two boys obeyed and stood up, eating the remaining amounts of cereal as they walked over to the sink. They took turns washing their dishes before going back upstairs, and the sound of their doors closing simultaneously echoed through the house.

"I'm already ready though?" Kiri remarked, but all it took was a glare from Neytiri for her to let out an exasperated sigh and stand up. Kiri threw her apple core away before retreating upstairs with her brothers.

"You too, Tuk. Your show will be here when you get home," Jake continued, smiling slightly as Tuk groaned and stood up. She placed her bowl beside the sink and trudged off, stomping extra loudly all the way up the stairs. Jake shook his head and sighed, grabbing a banana and peeling it.

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