point system

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author note:

other: hi guys!!! I know I haven't posted in a while and I am so sorry, I hope you enjoy this new chapter!!!


spoilers: the lighting thief

trigger warnings: kidnapping. threatening of death. guns

plot: Nico's been kidnapped/ put in dangerous situations a lot, that's not a secret, and neither is Nico being tired of it. so one day while he's kidnapped picking up Ben he just lets it all out on his kidnapper, Nico decides it's time to judge his kidnappers and their jobs finally. ways to get points- 

1. they keep him contained to where he can't escape without help. 

2. they don't use the basic "white minivan and warehouse." tactics. 

3. they don't take him by saying "Hi kid, your mom told me to pick you up." 

4. if they make him worry.

5. how well can they threaten him/ follow through on their threats? 

is this smart to do? probably not.

3rd person pov. . .(Nico's)

     Nico doesn't understand why Ben insisted on going to public school. who wants to sit in class for eight hours a day and then go home and do hours of homework? Nico liked that he could not doing any school better.

     Nico sat outside of ben's school waiting for ben when he was grabbed from behind. Nico could tell it wasnt a monster so he was excited to try out his new pointing system. it gives him somthing to do while he waits for will to beat the bad guys up.

     Nico still struggled to get away, not only is that part of the point system to see how far the kidnappers could take him without him escaping but also because will would kill Nico if he didn't at least try and get away.

    so that's what Nico did. 

     "stop struggling kid! i mean it!" the kidnapper ordered, "i have a gun and i will use it."

     "please, i know that's just a threat. you won't use it." Nico snarked.

     the kidnapper then took out a gun, "really kid?! think i wont use it? i will! so stop struggling and come with me."

     the school bell then rang and Nico heard the kidnapper swear.

     "Nico!" ben yelled at seeing the sight of his brother.

     "Merda." Nico muttered in Italian.

     Nico felt the gun be pressed to his head. normally Nico would get out right away but he decided to stop struggling for the shake of ben and the other kids. Nico didnt want to make them be in danger.

     Nico was forced into a white van and felt his arms and legs be tied together. "well they're already at negative one point. if they take me to a warehouse they'll be negative two." Nico thought. the kidnapper with the gun moved to the seats and the van drove off.

     Nico didnt know how long the kidnapper's drove, only that his arms and ankles were numb from the ropes cutting off circulation. the van stopped and Nico saw the first kidnapper head towards him.

     "where are we? a warehouse?" Nico asked.

     the kidnapper glared, "i dont know how you know that kid but you better shut up before i gag you."

     "negative two points. not looking good so far." Nico thought.

     the kidnapper grabbed Nico and threw him on the gravel ground.  Nico sat up and took notice of the two kidnappers for the first time.

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