Leaving for Stovepipe

Start from the beginning

"Just a little", Michellee says.


In the meantime, all the way at their house, Sam and Gluntz were helping their little girl, Molly, pack her bag. They had a particularly huge suitcase for their daughter who was barely a year old. The reason for that was because they wanted to pack everything essential for her. Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly if you really knew them, that was nearly everything she owned.

While Gluntz jumped up and down on the suitcase top to get it to close, Sam kept Molly entertained.

"You excited, little peach? It's your first Christmas!"

Molly smiled.

Sam scooped her up and continued, "Your grandmas and grandpas are excited too!" He takes one of her little hands and holds it, dancing with her.

In the meantime, Gluntz was getting nowhere with the suitcase. "Oh-my-Seuss", she says in between jumps. "Will-this-thing-close?!"

"Guess we'll have to pull out the bungee cords."

"Yeah-I-guess-we-do!" She finally stopped jumping. There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it."

Rushing downstairs, Gluntz opened the door. There she saw her future in-laws: Pam, Grinch, Jenny, Melanie, Jack, Terry and Mikaela. Even Max was there.

"Hi, everyone!"

"Gluntz!" Melanie squeezed her way through, using her free arm to hug her soon to be sister-in-law; Mikaela rested in her other arm.

The yellow-furred Knox returned the hug.

"Mmm!", Mikaela hummed.

"Hi, Mimi!", Gluntz greeted her soon-to-be niece. "You almost said something there!"

"Can we come in now, you two?", Pam asked. "It's really cold out here."

"Oh, sure! Please!"

Jack came and shook Gluntz's hand. "Hey, Gluntz."

"Jack. Merry Christmas." Then she noticed- "Where's your dad?"

"Couldn't join us today. Had a little accident and he's at the hospital."

"Oh no! What happened?"

"Tripped over a curb. Twisted his ankle. Needs to be off it for a few weeks."

Gluntz nods. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll try to see him when I can."

"Thank you."

She takes a breath and walks into the living room. "On another note, let's all enjoy the moment. Everyone else will be here soon to pick us up."

Sam greeted everyone too. Then he specifically asked Pam: "Mom, could you give me a hand with something?"


As Guy moved his and Michellee's luggage downstairs, he went over to the table with the key bowl and opened the drawer. He pulled out a big black folder. Inside were eighteen tickets for everyone; ten adults, three teens and five babies.

He felt happy that his shop was making bank, especially this time of year. Now the family seemed to be even bigger than it did a year ago.

Against his better judgment, Guy very briefly looked back on last Christmas. All he wanted was for everyone to have a fun vacation in Whoville. One thing he never anticipated was their past catching up with all of them.

Everything that happened was still felt today. Pam was forced to confront her husband's murderer, who also partially dismembered her son. E.B. was kidnapped and had her life threatened unless he and Sam sold out to their enemy, leading to said dismemberment. The girl seemed to be better, but he knew she'd never live such an event down.

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