Leaving for Stovepipe

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A whole month went by. The wind was blowing even colder now that it was winter. For this holiday however, everyone was heading to Stovepipe Junction.

E.B. took it upon herself to help her brother pack his suitcase. "You excited, Junior? We're gonna spend Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa!"

"Nana and Pop-pop!", the boy insisted.

"I'll never understand why we refer to them differently", the girl remarks. "But you're still excited, right?"


"Good." As E.B. placed Junior's essentials in his suitcase, she also notes the toys he wanted to bring too. "Ok. Junior?"

"Yes, Sissy?"

"I don't think Mom and Dad will let you bring all these."

"Why not?", he whined.

"Because you need room for everything you need first. Plus, it's only for a few days."

"Well, duh. Tewwy, Molwy, Mikaela and Jenny are gonna wanna pway too."

"Junior, our cousins have plenty of toys too. I know they'll be happy to share with you!"

The boy racked his brain for a moment. Then he finally said: "Fine."

"Good! But Mom and Dad will still let you bring a few toys. Which ones do you wanna bring?"

He names the toys as he points to them. "Mr. Bwizzytops, Cwyde and the Penguin."

"Nice ones, little brother", the girl said with a smile.


"You excited, Guy?"


Michellee wrapped her arms around her husband from behind as he rifled through his bureau. Now that it was this time of year again, the two of them really tried to maintain high spirits with not just each other, but also their kids and friends. One thing's for sure is that they don't want a repeat of last year. (Think you all know what events I'm referring to.) Michellee decided to hold her tongue on the particular subject of last year.

Instead she said, "This Christmas is gonna be great. I know it is." She kisses his cheek.

Guy rubs one of Michellee's hands with his own. From time to time, more often than he could count, he looked back on just how much better his life became in the past few years. Becoming a husband and father, improving his life with family, becoming a godparent, all the friends he made in that time...

He takes both of Michellee's hands and turns around, her spinning like they were dancing, then looking each other in the eye. They lean their foreheads together.

"Now, now, Guy. Don't start being cute", she joked.

"I just wanted to tell you...you're my everything", he says softly.

The woman blushed. Then they kissed.

"Eww!", said a small voice from the doorway. The couple separated to see their son standing there.

"Guy Jr.!", his father exclaimed. "What is it?"

"Sissy and I finished packing."

"That's good, son. Mommy and I will be done soon."

"But you're not packing wight now!"

"Uh-", Guy began, but Michellee stopped him.

"We're just taking a break, son. Go play with E.B. till we get you."

"Okay." Then he leaves.

Once he was gone, Guy then says, "That probably killed the moment." Inwardly, he says No kidding, genius.

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