Chapter 10

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Redpaw stared in disbelief as Whisperwood and her littermate, Snowsong, argued. Every other cat seemed to be ignoring them, so Redpaw did too. Dawnpaw yelled, "Hey Redpaw! Over here!" Redpaw ran over to her. Redpaw whispered to Dawnpaw, "Why is Whisperwood arguing with Snowsong?" Dawnpaw shrugged, "I think they got into a disagreement over something." But what? Redpaw thought. He sat down and shared a vole with Dawnpaw. Redpaw sighed, since he had returned to LightningClan, things had been unusual. Cloudrunner had injured himself and had been sent into the medicine den for one moon. Then, the same day, at moon-high, one of their apprentices, Fernpaw, had mysteriously died. The next day, Redpaw had been captured. This series of events hadn't been a coincidence. The medicine cat, Sanddust, said that Fernpaw hadn't suffered any claw marks. Sanddust had also said that Cloudrunner hadn't eaten anything suspicious in the past few days. Redpaw had to find out what was happening to LightningClan, and fast, before anything else happened. What is happening to my clan?

"Redpaw, wake up," Dawnpaw said. Redpaw groggily lifted his head. "Is it already sun-high?" he asked. "Yes, Redpaw, it is," Dawnpaw replied in an annoyed tone. Redpaw had been sleeping deeply ever since Mothstripe had told him about LightningClan. "Seriously, Redpaw? We have our apprentice assessments today!" Redpaw gasped. "Wait, it's today? How could I forget?" Dawnpaw rolled her eyes. "If you don't want to be late, come on!" Redpaw tried to get up but tripped over nothing and landed face-first in the dirt. Dawnpaw burst out laughing. "That's not funny!" Redpaw protested. "Whatever," Dawnpaw said and walked away. Redpaw followed her. As he walked by, he noticed that Whisperwood and Snowsong were far away from each other. But as soon as Whisperwood saw Redpaw, she padded towards him, almost happy to be even farther from Snowsong. "Are you ready for your apprentice assessment, Redpaw?" Whisperwood asked. Redpaw looked nervously into the distance. "Yes," he replied.

Redpaw was doing fairly well, and he just needed to catch a blackbird. Redpaw sniffed the air. He swiveled his head around to see a blackbird pecking at a worm. Redpaw crouched down, stalking the bird. Suddenly, he heard a twig snapping. Redpaw cringed inwardly, The blackbird must have heard that! True to his word, the blackbird looked up in alarm and flew away. No! Redpaw chased after it unknowingly. Suddenly, he was in a different place. Redpaw looked around, confused. That's weird, Redpaw wondered, suspicious. He walked around slowly, aware of his surroundings. Suddenly, without warning, he crashed into a tree. "Ow!" Redpaw yelped. "Ugh. Why are there so many trees here?" Redpaw continued. A figure appeared in front of Redpaw with a blinding light. "Who are you?" Redpaw asked curiously. "You don't remember me? Harefoot?" "Oh. You again." groaned Redpaw. They walked together and started talking.

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