Chapter 1 Brother and sister augment always starts off...

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~Phoebe pov~
Today was May 21,2015 and its a Monday and I was woken up by my stupid alarm clock that I hate so much I quickly got out of bed and stop my alarm clock and went to my bathroom and I first brush my hair and brush my teeth and after that I curled my hair that took my about 1 hour an a half and after I was done I went to my closet and pick out my blue shirt that had ruffles and my white Cardigan that goes over it and I put on some jeans and my white converse and I look at the time in my phone it was 7:30 oh my god I have to wake up Max...I ran downstairs and saw Max already up....End of POV

Phoebe: Hey Max your up early I thought I had to wake you up.

Max: Well I had to do something in the kitchen so I went to the kitchen to grab some ceral .

Phoebe: Oh Kay.
Max: Anyways can you get me milk from the kitchen fridge.

Phoebe: Sure.

Max: (Smirks)

Phoebe looks at Max and then went to open the fridge but milk splatter all over Phoebe and Phoebe quickly gasp and looks at Max....

Phoebe: Max!!!!!!

Max: (Laughing)

Phoebe: Stop its not funny you did that on purpose.

Max: No I didn't.

Phoebe: Yeah you did stop auguring with me.

Max: You stop.

Phoebe: Your really bugging me.

Max: That's not true you love me Phebs.

Phoebe: Mom!!!!!! Dad!!!!!

Max: Oh no phone calling Mom and dad I am so scard.

Mom (Barb) and Dad (Hank)

Barb: What is it Phoebe. (Looks at Phoebe) What happen to you.

Phoebe: That thing over there. (Points at max)

Max: I have a name.

Phoebe: Shut up.

Max: (sticks his tounge out)

Barb: Hey Max stop that.

Max: What.

Hank: Listen to your mother.

Max: Ugh!!!!

Hank: Now Phoebe what happen.(Looks at Phoebe who was covered with milk)

Phoebe: Max prank me again.

Hank: That it Max your grounded give me your phone.

Max: What that not.....

Barb: Max. (Looks at max)

Max: Fine. (Takes out his phone and gave it too Hank)

Hank: Thank you now Phoebe hurry and get dressed and Max no more pranking.

Max: Oh man.

Phoebe: (Laughing) Yay no more pranking from Max.

Max: I hate you. (Runs to his lair)

Phoebe: (Feels bad) I am going to my room.

Barb: Kk honey.

Phoebe: (Runs to her room)

Phoebe and Max got ready for school and Phoebe feels bad for Max and Max hates Phoebe for what happens in the morning

~At school~

Phoebe: (Opened her locker)

Cherry: (Walked up to Phoebe) Hey girly girl.
(Opens her locker which was next to Phoebe)

Phoebe: Oh hey Cherry.

Cherry: What's wrong.

Phoebe: Oh me and Max had an augement again.

Cherry: Again. (Grabs her text book)

Phoebe: Yeah but this time Max hate me and I feel bad.

Cherry: Well what happened that mad Max hate you.

Phoebe: Well.... (Shuts locker and grabs her text book and started walking with Cherry to class) Max Prank me again and my dad grounded him with no pranking and he took his phone away for a week.

Cherry: Ouch.

Phoebe: I know right and I feel bad know he won't even talk to me.

Cherry: That bad wow.

Phoebe: Yeah. (See Max walking by) Hey max.

Max: (Looks at Phoebe with a hate look and walks away)

Cherry: Ouch.

Phoebe: See he hates me he gave me that look.

Phoebe and Cherry made it to class and Phoebe feels bad for Max for the whole school day and went home and saw Max sitting down watching t.v.

Phoebe: (Drops her bad by the door and walks to the couch and sits next to max) Hey Max.

Max: (Gets up and starts to walk away)

Phoebe: Max!!! (Walks up to Max who was about to go to his lair)

Max: What!!!

Phoebe: Oh good your talking too me.

Max: What a surprise now what do you want from me.

Phoebe: Look I feel bad now and I want to say sorry to you.

Max: Well I did make you feel bad and you said sorry but....

Phoebe: But....What...

Max: I can't prank you anymore.

Phoebe: Well that what you get for pranking me.

Max: Yeah... yeah.....(Went to his lair)

Phoebe: (Smiles and walks into the kitchen)


Hey guys i have to stop it there my fingers hurt for typing all of this and I hope you love it if you did vote and comment for an update and there might be spelling wrong and poor grammar because I type to fast and I missed spelled words but anyway I hope you enjoy it....The reason why I did this fan fiction was because I think Max and Phoebe would make a great couple but the problem is they are brother and sister so this would be a Brother+Sister love story..... So anyways I hope you love it and I well update soon.....

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~Bye xoxo

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