7. in the car

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My gaze was kept fixed on them until they completely disappeared from my sight as they walked into a restaurant.

"H-hyung, let's go to that store. Look, they have some really nice collections. Let's go" Mingyu slightly pulled me by my arm. He sounded hesitant when speaking, he stuttered, which is unlike him.

I just simply nodded and started walking into the direction he was pointing at with him following me.

We both walked into the store and Mingyu immediately started looking through the clothes that were hung on display.

Meanwhile, my mind was all over the scene that had unfolded in front of me just a few minutes ago.

How he held her hand. How they laughed together. How she hit him playfully. Just how happy they are together.

Unknowingly, tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I was fast to wipe them off before anyone could notice.

The scene of them laughing and enjoying their time with each other broke my heart more than when I had left her, honestly.

I am well aware that she can be with anyone she wants to be with and that I have no say in anything she does. But, I'm sure I have the right to feel like this if it's my very own best friend who I trusted more than anything in my life, betrays me this way.

He knows me more than anyone. He knows more than anyone everything I have hidden from most people. The things I was never able to talk to my other friends about, I talked about them with him. Because I believed he would help me. But he did the exact opposite by going on a date with my girlfriend.

"Hyung, look at this" Mingyu pulled me into an aisle and held up a sweatshirt in front of my shirt. "Isn't this nice? You should get this" He said and pushed the cloth to my chest and I automatically held onto it.

I didn't even look at the sweatshirt, I just took it because I'm too lazy to fight him right now — I have no need for any new clothes, I have more than enough already. 

"Hyung, how do you think this one looks? Do you think I should get this?" He asked me, showing me the shirt as he held it in front of his body. I barely paid any attention and just nodded my head.

The fact that they're still in this mall and we could encounter each other made me feel somewhat angry. With Seungcheol. Jiyeon is no one to blame here. Even if she has fallen in love with him, I can't blame her. The only person worth blaming here is Seungcheol.

"Hyung, let's go. I'll pay for these" I just followed behind Mingyu without speaking a word. I feel bad that I'm being like this with Mingyu who's not at fault here but I can't help it. My anger towards Seungcheol keeps increasing every second that passes.

"Hyung, should we go to a restaurant for dinner?" – "Outside the mall" He added right after.

"Why not inside the mall?" I raised my eyebrows. What's the problem with going to a restaurant inside the mall?

"No, I was just thinking we should go to that restaurant we went to last week. You liked the food a lot, so did I. We should go there" He suggested but something about him seemed off. He doesn't always talk like this. He seems… nervous?

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒. yoon jeonghan ✓Where stories live. Discover now