2||The Weirdo on Maple Street

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"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asks the girl as the 3 boys stood around her, and Tobi sat next to her on the couch. The four took the girl to Mike's house and they were all sitting in Mike's basement, listening to the thunder outside, they could see the lightning outside through the blurry windows.

"Where's your hair?" Dustin asked, "Do you have cancer?"

"Dustin!" Tobi hissed at the boy, widening her eyes, he just looked at her and shrugs.

"Did you run away?" Lucas asks, ignoring the two.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike asks.

"Is that blood?" Lucas questioned her again, referring to the blood on her shirt as he reached out to touch it. Getting his hand slapped by Tobi in the process.

"Stop it! You're freaking her out!" Tobi yelled at the boy.

"She's freaking me out!" He yelled back.

"I bet she's deaf," Dustin says before clapping in her face to see if she reacts, and she flinches away, "Not deaf," he says with realization in his voice. Tobi tried to not laugh, not wanting to make the girl feel bad.

"All right, that's enough, all right? She's just scared and cold," Mike stopped the two from bombarding the girl with more questions. He walked away for a minute, but came back with some clean clothes for the girl, "here, these are clean. Okay?" She stood up, took the clothes and set them down, she reached down and tried to take her shirt off in front of the four kids.

"No, no, no!" They all exclaimed, Mike reached down to grab her hands to stop her, and Tobi stood up and grabbed the clean clothes and softly took the girl's arm.

"Here, I'll take you to the bathroom," she said, giving her a soft smile and leading her into the bathroom. When Tobi tried to close the door the other girl stopped her, "you don't want it closed?" she asked the girl.

"No," the girl said. Tobi was taken aback, not knowing the girl could actually talk.

"Oh, so you can speak," Tobi asked, though it sounded more like a statement than a question, hoping she didn't sound rude by saying it like that. She only got a stare from the other girl, "okay, well... how about we just keep the door... just like this," and she closed the door so that it was cracked open, "Is that better?"

"Yes," and while the girl was changing in the bathroom, Tobi walked over to the boys, hoping that they could make up a plan about what to do with the mysterious girl.

"This is mental," Dustin exclaimed.

"At least she can talk," Tobi said, trying to see the glass half full.

"She said "no" and "yes." Mike's three-year-old sister says more," Lucas responded.

"She tried to get naked," Dustin said.

"There's something seriously wrong with her. Like, wrong in the head," Lucas said. Tobi hoped that the girl wasn't hearing him say this. He wasn't completely wrong though. They didn't know anything about her. They just found her in the woods, she could barely even talk.

Dustin however was still stuck on how she tried to get undressed, "she just went like-" he demonstrated how she tried to get her shirt off, knocking off his hat in the process.

"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst," Lucas said, ignoring the curly haired boy.

"From where?" Mike asked.

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