Norman Osborn's Return to Oscorp

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As we roll on that morning we come back to Oscorp 

As we roll on that morning we come back to Oscorp 

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Where a limbo pulls up to the entrance 

Where a limbo pulls up to the entrance 

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Where a press was already standing

Reporter # 1: Who's this? Reporter # 2: Probably just another boring fallibilist like that fat one

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Reporter # 1: Who's this? 

Reporter # 2: Probably just another boring fallibilist like that fat one. 

The rider in the back steps out which shocks the entire press 

Reporter # 1: No that's Norman Osborn! 

They all shout at once taking his pictures as Norman gave a wave and smile as he walked to the building 

 The rider in the back steps out which shocks the entire press Reporter # 1: No that's Norman Osborn! They all shout at once taking his pictures as Norman gave a wave and smile as he walked to the building 

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We cut back to the Daily Bugle 

We cut back to the Daily Bugle 

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The Amazing Spider-Man 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora