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I woke up when I felt someone untying me. I remember Sir left me in the basement last night all tied up, so I guess it's morning. But when I finally opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar face. I've never seen this man before...

"Hey, kid... mmm, it's okay. Don't be scared. I'm a police officer." The man said, giving me a warm smile, but I was confused about what he was doing here and why he was untying me? I know who's police I've read about it in books, and they're supposed to be good, so I didn't resist his touches and went along when he gently pulled me up by my arms.

"Let's get out of here, yeah? I'm Louis, by the way. What's your name?" Louis asked. But I didn't answer. I don't speak. I can speak i just don't because I'm scared of doing so. Sir hated my voice, so every time I made a sound or asked a question, he slapped me across the face and then shut me up by something that was by his hand. So, I learned to be quiet.

"What's your name, buddy?" Louis asked again. Maybe he thought I didn't hear him the first time. I started waving my hands around, trying to get him to understand that I couldn't talk, but he seemed confused. Even if he knew the sign language, it wouldn't help because I don't know it.

"Is your throat hurting?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Can you write?" I shook my head, yes. "Ok, that's great! Let's get into the car and I'll give you my pad to write on." He said and smiled again. I didn't smile back. Sir said I'm ugly, and so is my smile. He used to cover it up with his hand so he wouldn't have to look at it.

I was still confused about why there were police cars all around the house and why they weren't Sir around, but I felt happy stepping out of that place. I don't remember the last time I smelled fresh air. It's so nice. A light warm breeze hit my face, and I just wanted to melt. I guess it's summer now because the flowers are blooming all around, and the sun is shining so bright. I don't think I've seen summer in real life. I've only read the descriptions in books, and it all seemed like a sweet paradise. I guess one of my dreams came true.

When we got to the car, Louis sat beside me and gave me his pad and a pen. I know how to write pretty well, and my handwriting is perfect. Sir teached me how to read and write and then he made me write some documents for him and when I made a mistake he would hit me. So I learned to write perfectly.

As I started to write I felt the car moving. That startled me because I've never been in a car before. It is so weird that we're sitting in a box with wheels, and it can move so fast. As I was watching outside the window in amusement, I felt a light touch on my shoulder. When I turned around, there was Louis smiling.

"Can you write your name now?" He asked, and I got scared for being so slow, so I rushed, hoping he won't hit me. I wrote "Angelo".

"Wow! That's such a beautiful name! And it suits you so well, Angelo!" Louis said, ruffling my hair. And I felt something I've never felt before. It became hot to my cheeks, and my heart started to beat a bit faster. No one has ever said that I have something beautiful. In one book I read a word beautiful was said many times. It was a man writing about a woman. He said she was beautiful. Her smile was beautiful, her freackles were so beautiful, her black wild hair was beautiful, her green green eyes were even more beautiful, her little nose was beautiful, her ears were beautiful, her soul was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I wondered if my name was as beautiful as that woman in that book.

I started to feel a smile moving to my face, but I quickly pulled myself together before it could happen. "And how old are you?" Louis asked. I wrote a perfect "7". "Oh, I see... do you have any relatives? Grandma, aunt, uncles, maybe?" I shook my head no, because the only person I ever knew was Sir. Louis sighed, scratching his forhead. "Do you have a passport?" I scrunched my eyebrows together. That's a new word for me. I wrote on the pad. "What is that?" Louis looked at me a bit shocked, but he quickly brushed it away. "It's nothing, don't worry. Mark, let's go to the hospital right away." Louis said to the driver, and I didn't question.

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