1. Diagon Alley

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"Come along, Y/n," your mother says, "there will be time enough to enjoy the sights; we have to get your school supplies."

You sigh, and tear your eyes away from the window of the sweets shop in front of you. "Coming, mum!" You say as you hurry to catch up with her. Mum is right, you think. Books, cauldron, broom and wand first; food, pets, charms and sweets later.

As the two of you walk down the busy main road of Diagon Alley, you take out your list of school supplies. First on the list are a few basic potion brewing supplies, and you buy them. Then there are the books. This is a harder task. Luckily enough, your mother brought Nellie, your affectionately named, "one size carries all" bag. One after another, books on charms, potion making, defense against the dark arts, broom mastery and others are bought and shoved in the handbag-sized bag with room to spare. After your books come herbology supplies and a broomstick. Not a horrible model, either. You think with pleasure of flying around Hogwarts. Everything fits into Nellie.

"Alright, Y/n," says your mum, looking down at you with an affectionate smile. "You know what time it is, don't you?"

"Wand time!" You squeal, and run towards Olivanders, which you can see is at the end of the street. You reach the door just as another person reaches it, and your hands meet on the handle. You look up into the grey-blue orbs of the boy beside you. He's taller than you, with white-blond hair and a thin face that you can't help but think is quite attractive. The boy draws his hand away quickly, and looks down, a blush coloring his pale cheek.

"I'm sorry," he says, his accent posh but inviting. "I didn't see you there."

"It's okay," you smile up at him, "I don't mind." The boy lets out a gentle laugh. "Are you a first year this year?"

"Yea," he says, "I'm a bit nervous. How about you?"

"A bit," you say, "but I get the feeling this year is going to turn out right." If all of the boys at school are like you it definitely will. You think with a small smirk.

The boy smiles too, and opens the door with a flourish and a small bow. "Would you care to enter Olivanders?" You feel a giggle bubble out of you and are about to walk through the door, when your mum comes up behind you.

"Y/n, I have a few errands to run, so—" you turn around to see your mom staring at the nice boy you met. She looks like she's seen a ghost.

"What is it?" You ask. Your mum shakes her head.

"It's nothing, y/n. I just thought... your friend looks familiar." Your mum shakes her head. "Anyway like I was saying, I'm going to run some errands; you can go ahead and get your wand."

"Okay!" You say, and wave goodbye as your mum walks away.

"Y/n," your new friend says, and you look up at him. "That's a nice name." You smile.

"What's yours?"

"Scorpius," he says, blushing a little. "I know it's a little funny, but weird names kind of run in my family."

"No," you say, looking into his pale face, "I think it's the perfect name for a great wizard."

Scorpius smiles, and you both go into Olivanders.

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