
Beginne am Anfang

"Nat." I say quietly and she looks to me.


"Can you order for me?"

"What?" She smiles and I look around.

"I don't know, I just feel like I'm gonna start stuttering and get nervous and I'm tired." I look back to her and she nods.

"Alright, I will, what do you want?" She asks.

"Chips and salsa then the carbonara...maybe some water too." I say and she nods.

"Alright." She speaks and I hand her my menu, she sets them down while waiting for a waiter. I sit back looking around again, I spot a man and a woman locked in a gaze with each other, I spot a man and an older woman who looks to be his mother, both of them talking.

Natalie begins talking and I look back to see her speaking with a waitress who writes at her little notepad. I'm stepping too much outside of my comfort zone today...I'm sinking back into it by not being able to order like I usually can do.

"And I will have a Caesar salad then a carbonara for my main too." Natalie says and I furrow my eyebrows, a salad?

"What drinks would you like with that, Ma'am?"

"We will just have two waters, please." Natalie responds causing the waitress to nod her head.

"Your food will be with you shortly, I'll be right back with your drinks." She smiles before walking away as Natalie thanks her.

"So, how are you?" Natalie questions and I look to her, I smile shrugging.

"That's a weird question."

"It's a date, I'm supposed to ask questions and I am allowed to check in." She rolls her eyes sitting up before taking off her maroon leather jacket, she pulls at the long sleeves of the black shirt she's wearing, fixing the V neckline that is kind of low..Not a problem-no complaints from me at all.

"I'm good. How are you?" I ask her, fixing my grey skirt, I wore tights beneath it of course. It's spring now but it's not quite warm yet.

"Great, tired because of work but I'm alright." She says and I nod, flattening the skirt out.

"Maybe because you keep giving detentions and you suffer the consequences of staying there longer too." I smile to myself, glancing up at her, noticing she's already watching me.

"Shut up, you used to get yourself detention more times than I could count."

"Oh and who was the one giving me them?" I ask and she bites her tongue looking away.

"Maybe you should have behaved yourself."

"Maybe you should have just admitted you wanted to get in my pants, Miss unprofessional." I say and she looks back to me.

"This is not date talk."

"Yeah it is, we're practically married." I say and she hums, she sits back, her smile dimming a little. I keep looking at her, waiting for her to speak since I know she has something to say.

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