"Oh come on. I don't wanna risk walking to the kitchen and getting stopped by someone who is just gonna ask if I'm ok." I chirp back, rolling my eyes. Bob turns towards me, handing over his drink.

"Here I just opened this one, you can have it. I'll go grab another one."

"Oh Bob, you don't have to do that." I call as he starts walking away.

"It's all good. No one is going to stop me and ask about my feelings." He calls back laughing. I turn back towards Nat and Bradley only to see them both smirking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." Nat starts.

"You two are just too cute." Bradley finishes. I start to blush which then causes them to start laughing, gaining attention of the few of the admirals around us.

"Guys you are drawing attention, literally shut up." I say smacking Bradley's shoulder.

Eventually their laughter dies down, and Bradley rubs his shoulder, "We were just messing with you Nic. Seriously though, that guy has it bad for you."

Bob decided just the right moment to walk back up, causing Nat to start giggling again and send me a wink. I just rolled my eyes and turned to him.

"How was your adventure to the kitchen?"

"Pretty uneventful. However Maverick is looking for you both." He shrugs, gesturing between me and Bradley.

"Of course he is." I roll my eyes. "He's just trying to mend a bridge he broke without actually trying to fix it."

Bob pulls me towards him by my waist, holding me close leaning his head on my shoulder "Have you let him try to explain?"

"Not fully." I grumble.

"Well how do you expect to get answers if you aren't giving the man time to explain?" Bob asks, turning his head into my neck plantinga kiss where my shoulder and neck meet.

"I don't want to talk to him quite yet, I'm still mad." I grumble again, making my pout extra exaggerated.

"That's ok Little bird, you can stew a little longer, but don't wait too long to let him explain." Bob said, pulling his head from my neck.

After a little while Sarah calls Nat and I over to help bring some food to the tables outback. As we walk into the kitchen, I bump into someone who is making their way out.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" I start righting myself before looking up, "Oh high Pete." I finished.

"Nicole, Hey." He looks down as if not sure how to start. "Is there a way I could talk to you some time today?"

"Not right now, I have to help Sarah take food out. But maybe after?" This causes Pete to lift his head quickly, eyes full of hope.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to forgive you yet, but I would at least like to know why you did everything." He nods his head and begins to walk away and I make my way into the kitchen.

"Was that Pete you were talking to?" Sarah asks, handing me a bowl of pasta salad.

"Yeah. He wants to talk to me later about everything." I shrug, walking out of the kitchen.

After a few trips we have the tables full of food, and everyone starts to file out of the house. Nat and I meet back up with Bradley, Thomas, and Emily.

"Hey, how was helping set up the food?" Bradley asked, laughing.

I roll my eyes, "Would have been faster if you lazy bums would have helped."

Little BirdWhere stories live. Discover now