I walked around a bit more, watching as the sky turned completely dark and the stars peeked through the few open spaces between the thin clouds that were forming.

My nose up in the air as I looked at the sky and walked slowly was possibly why I never saw this coming.

Suddenly, my vision turned to dark nothingness as a thick bag got pulled over my head, and two arms held me firmly. One was wrapped around my arms, making it unable for me to fight the person off. And one over my mouth, clasped over the bag while I tossed and screamed, although it was muffled and inaudible.

'Grab her legs!' A man's voice from behind me sounded like a hiss, but another pair of arms latched onto my ankles that I've been kicking about

'Aw, shit, ouch!' Another voice whined in pain as I kicked him in my tossing session

'Let me to it, idiot.' ANOTHER? how fucking many are there?!

Whoever it is, they managed to grab my legs under my knees and I couldn't feel the ground under my feet anymore. I was being carried, and no matter how much I tossed and yelled, I couldn't escape.

'Be care-'


'... dead?'

'She's not dead!'

'She could be! Is she breathing?'

'I don't know! I don't wanna touch a dead body!'


I was slowly coming back to it after the blackout. My head feels like exploding, and I still can't see shit. Whatever this is on my head, it's pretty damn dark. I moved my head around, trying to peak under the edge where a bit of light came through, but I could only see my legs. I can also feel my hands are tied up.

'Look, look! She's moving.' One of the voices suddenly whispered to the other guy, or two.

Something suddenly hit my knee, but it was a soft thing, whatever it is that they threw at me. If I had to guess, I'd say it was a pair of socks.

'Are you awake?' One of the voices spoke to me

'My head hurts.' I groaned in response, squeezing my eyes shut as if that's gonna help the pain

'I told you to be careful, and you had to go and smack her head on the car roof!' *smack*

'Ow!' Someone whined. 'How could I know she's gonna try and throw herself out of my arms!?'

'Where the hell am I? Who are you?'

It was silence for a few moments before someone spoke. 'Somewhere. And you'll never know!'

The way the person spoke sounded like he was thinking about his answer and then opted for the dumbest one.

'Can you remove this thing from my head? I can't breathe.'

'Maybe we can cut a hole for her to breathe.' One of them whispered, trying to stay quiet

'Yeah, yeah. Good idea!'

I heard a few footsteps and a sound of wooden floor creaking under the feet of the person, and then the person's hand touched my face over the bag.

'OW! that's my eye!'

'Sorry! Sorry! It wasn't on purpose! Please stay still.' He kept tapping about, kind of booping my nose over the bag to locate where it was, and pulled the bag forward a little from my face. A few moments later, there was a hole. And the tip of my nose sticking out the bag. He actually made it worse.

'Are you honestly that retarded?! You made a hole where her nose is?'

'You told me to make a hole!'

'To breathe! Where the mouth is! Not to make her look like Pinocchio!'

'Then you do it if you're so smart!' The guy in front of me sounded like a big child, and by the sound of his steps, he stomped away in anger

They kept fighting amongst themselves, whispering and bickering like children. I felt like I was sitting in a corner and listening to kids argue.

I tried to move my arms only to find out that they were not even tied up properly. Whoever did the knots had the tying skills of a 5 year old.

I simply pulled my wrists out of the restraints and pulled the fabric off of my head. For a moment, I went blind. Because I was in the dark for a while, the sudden light felt like a flashbang. But what took me by surprise the most was the three guys in front of me.

They made a little circle in their heated argument, so I can't even see their faces. All I can see it their hair. One guy had dark, curly hair, and he also seemed to be the tallest.

The second guy, whose back is turned to me, is blonde. I can't see his face, but he is a tad shorter and skinnier than the other two. Although his ass looks nice and big in those sweatpants he's wearing. Okay, wrong time for that kind of observation, Shinae.

The third guy, who I'm now recognising is the man-child, his hair is jet black but covered with a baseball hat, leaving only a few strands to peak under.

I was contemplating running, but I got stuck watching and listening to them. They look more nervous than me.

'Fine! But what if she needs to pee?' The one with the dark brown hair asks

'You can take me to the bathroom with the bag on.' I figured I'd pull their attention to let them know they fucked up, but it went in the completely opposite way

'True, true. We can do that.' He agreed, with the rest two nodding, not even looking at me

'What about food?'

'Just lift the hood a little. Keep the eyes closed.' I interact again, and again, dumb and dumber act

'Good idea!' He even gave me thumbs-up

Okay, are these guys serious? Should I just laugh at this point? 

'Is she gonna sleep in the chair?'

'I can just sleep with one of you.'

'How is that a good id-'

Only now, they clocked in that I'm answering their questions, and the blonde guy whipped around so fast that he nearly broke his neck to look at me. The other two looked at me just the same, all of their expressions matching. I just can't decipher if it's horror or shock or panic.

'HER HOOD! HER ARMS!' Blondie yelled, pointing at me. 'How is she free?!'

'Guys,' the black haired one swallowed loudly, 'we have a problem.'

'Yes, we do! She's not tied up!' The brown haired one argues

'No.' He shakes his head. 'We... we took the wrong girl.'

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