Amara: Everything will be fine, Prim. - she hugs her. Prim looks at her with teary eyes.

Amara: Prim, listen to me, don't worry about me. Katniss will be here, and she'll take care of you, and Gale will help too. In the bakery, Peeta's dad will give you bread, you just need to go get it. Okay?

"Did you anticipate every situation?" - Hermione asks. " Yes, i wanted everything to be okay for them, in case they choose me." "That was a wise move on your part." says Enobaria, as the other victors nod in agreement.

Prim: Please just win, you're capable of it.

Amara: I am intelligent, and i can handle situations.

Prim: And you can hunt. - she says hopefully.

"Really?" - Ron asks. " You idiot, they hunted with Katniss at the beginning of the film." - Hermione retorts, and the others just laugh at Ron.

Prim: Peeta will be there with you too. Can't you both win since you're soulmates?

Amara: Unfortunately not, Prim. There's no such rule.

Lily: Seriously, they won't allow both to win if they're the last two? If one soulmate dies, the other dies within a few days if their bond is activated. - Lily says incredulously. " No, according to the rules, both can't win. - Finnick says sadly. Now everyone looks at Amara and Peeta, wondering how both of them can be here.

Prim withdraws from Amara's embrace, pulls out the Mockingjay pin from her pocket, and hands it to Amara.

Prim: To protect you.

Amara: Thank you. I'll bring it back. - Amara says, hugging her again. Then she stands up and walks over to her mother.

Amara: You can't fall apart anymore. You have to watch over them. Be there for them.

Mrs. Everdeen: I won't.

Amara: Promise me. - she looks seriously. " Not like when dad died."

Mrs. Everdeen: I promise. - she replies.

In the Great Hall, they only look at the Everdeen family with pity. While Amara snuggles into the embrace of Peeta and Finnick, kissing both them, James glares at them with angry eyes.

Amara tightly embraces her mother. The door opens, and peacekeeper enters, grabbing Mrs. Everdeen by the arm and ushering her toward the door.

Peacekeeper: Their time is up.

Do parents get this much time with their children before they're sent into a deatly arena? Molly excaims in outrage.

Prim tries to run to Amara, but a peacekeeper grabs her.

Prim: NO! NO!

Amara: I love you, Prim! I'll come back! - she shouts to her as the door closes.

Amara stands with teary eyes for a few moments, but another door open, and Katniss rushes in with Gale at her back. Katniss doesn't stop until she reaches Amara, who expects a hug, but instead, Katniss slaps her.

A stunned silence fills the Great Hall, Katniss shamefully retreats from the gazes fixed on her. The shocked silence in broken by the loud laughter of Haymitch and Jo. " I can handle you, girl" says Haymitch.

Katniss: You idiot!

Amara: I love you too.. - she replies sarcastically.

Katniss: You have to win. You can hunt, and Peeta will be with you.

Amara: I hunt animals, not people.

Gale: The arena will be somewhat similar, you'll fight for survival. Make sure to find a bow, and if there isn't one, create on.

Lily still watches the screen with teary eyes, uanble to belive that her daughter has to participate in such game. James feels a similar way, sensing the weight of the situation, realizing that his daughter must suddenly grow up and become a killer to survive.

The door opens again, and another peacekeeprs steps in. Amara knows this is the last time for farewells, so she quickly hugs Katniss and Gale.

Amara: I love you both.

Katniss: We love you too.

Peacekeeper: That's enough, he says and pulls Katniss and Gale away, leaving with him.

Amara: gale, take care of them. - he adds.

Katniss: Amara come back alive, or i swear i'll kill you! - Katniss shouts, then the door closes.

In the Great Hall, they laugh with teary eyes at Katniss's last words.

Afterward, the screen shows Amara sitting against the wall, crying, until a peacekeeper appears to accompany her to the train where Peeta joins her with Effie.

Harry can't even imagine what the would do in such a situation, and neither can the others. A heavly silence lingers until, after 20 minutes, Dumbledore says, " Let's start take a short break."

----- Finally, i managed to write a short part today. I hope you liked it.💕💕❤️

Tomorrow, you can expect a glimpse into the relationship between Amara, Peeta and Finnick.💕

Also, Haymitch will arrive on the train.❤️

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