Chapter 8: The arrival

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I watch the sky scrapers in the distance become closer, and how the sky scrapers shimmer in the sun. I can hear the crowd cheering for the distance- of course not for the District 12 tributes, The District 2 tributes arrived behind us, who arrived at the same time. 
Norma's hair looked shinier than ever, her medium length,  healthy hair hung just above her hips. She crowd chanted her name as she swiftly moved to greet the crowd.  The other tributes had nothing special about them. The career tributes can fight more than the tributes from the poorer districts, I'll give them that. But at the end of the day we're all children. The 4 District 12 tribute's didn't get the same honor of getting to greet the capitol citizens, as soon as we step of the train all four of us are whisked away into rooms.  I'm told to lay down on a leather counter, where multiple workers come to fix me. I could see the disgust on their faces while washing me, I could see the water turn brown as soon as it touched my skin. Even though every District is vastly different, the poorer districts all shared the same stench that could potentially kill a capitol citizen. I think they may have hosed me down at least 5 times, I genuinely stopped paying attention after the third time.  When I'm finally clean enough to be in the 'ever so amazing' Tygrus's presence. When Tygrus looks me in my eyes: I feel suddenly comforted.  
"Hi,,..Haymitch- right?." Tygrus says, clutching her own hands while standing at a tall posture.  
"We don't have a lot to work with this year- Snow demoted me to District 12 and our supply is divided by four, do with that information as you will" Tygrus says while strapping gloves onto her hands, the subject of being demoted really got to her- I mean it wouldn't sit right with me either. Tygrus didn't look down on me, or look at me as if I was a dirty animal from the districts, She saw me for what I truly am; Just a boy, put in a extremely unfortunate situation. "Again, we don't have a lot to work with, but we're trying our best." I look at Tygrus in the eyes, "Don't waste your fabric on me." I say, half joking.  I'm not going through this chariot naked, but I don't want Tygrus to waste special, expensive fabric on me.  "I have just the thing!" Tygrus says, her voice had a bit of excitement in it. I'll admit, Tygrus was gorgeous. Tygrus didn't even look half her age, Well-- I don't know her age but whatever it is she looks half of it. "Here put this on!" Tygrus says, handing me a black outfit with a coal miner hat. I awkwardly hold it in my hands, and wait for Tygrus to turn around, I don't want Tygrus to see me change. I quickly change into my costume, As soon as Tygrus catches a glimpse of me, she placing a hand on my shoulder "You look just like someone, who I knew - a long long  time ago." "Who would that be?" I ask, genuinely curious. Tygrus suddenly found an interest in her shoes and studied them instead of acknowledging my question. "...Can you tell me about this person?" I ask hesitantly, almost sure I will get the same response. Tygrus lets out a sigh of distress. 

"We were there for each other in the darkest of days and coldest of nights. He decided to pursue the path of another.. .very special man. And despite all the sacrifices I made for him- he decided that the sacrifices he made for his throne were more important." 
Tygrus say's, with a hint of permanent sorrow and dismay in her voice. 

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