two | "my fav coworker <3"

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you stood there in shock, trying to process what just happened.

"this guy is crazy.." your voice was a mere whisper as you caressed the spot scaramouche kissed. a light blush was dusted on your cheeks at the thought of the boy. swiftly turning around, you made your way back to your bedroom, jumping onto your bed and opening the chat.

'i chose you cos you're pretty' you couldn't help but grin at the words on the screen.

"y/n~ what's for dinner?" a drowsy voice could be heard from another side of the door. layla had woken up from her mid-study nap. you hopped off your bed, closing the chat and exiting your room.

"what would you like to eat?" you shut the door behind you, noticing her exhausted expression. the navy haired girl waddled towards you, her eyes fluttering open and closed.

"hmm.. what about.. curry?" she rubbed her eyes, leaning against a wall nearby and yawning mid sentence. you nodded at her request, walking to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

+ 15:20

the rich smell of japanese curry roamed the apartment. you scooped a portion of the dish and grabbed a spoonful of rice, carefully balancing the utensils on the plate as you walked to layla's room.

"ah, thank you y/n.." layla softly spoke, eyeing her delicious plate of food as you placed it on her desk. smiling at her, you closed the door and returned to the kitchen.

as you washed up the dishes, your mind wandered off to the handsome boy that you recently encountered. you subconsciously grinned, but snapped out of it. 'it's just pretend, y/n. don't fall in love.' you reminded yourself.

you rinsed off your hands, drying them on your pants as you walked back to your room. laying on your bed, you tried to distract yourself by scrolling through youtube. after watching two to three videos, your eyelids felt heavy. 'noo, just one more video..'

you fell asleep.

+ 15:54

your phone rang, waking you up from your nap. squinting, you read the contact name. "my fav coworker <3". a smile crept on your face.

"time for work!" you happily exclaimed, getting out of bed and answering the phone.

"hello y/n. are you working today?"
"yep, I'll be there in 5 minutes!"
"okay, see you soon."

after hurriedly getting into your work clothes, you fixed up your hair and applied a light layer of mascara. smiling at yourself, you grabbed your bag, along with your phone, and headed to work.


walking into the coffee shop, you noticed your fellow coworker serving customers. their eyes met yours, greeting you as you entered. your heart was racing. placing your bag down, you grabbed an apron, preparing the orders before giving them to the customers.

"kinda busy today, aren't we?" you jokingly nudged the crimson haired male, pouring the coffee into the cup.

"mhm, indeed we are." he eyed you, tying his long red hair into a high ponytail. oh how you loved his hair styled like that.

insincerity ; scaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now