taking him home (shane x reader)

Start from the beginning

"Okay," he mutters quietly before she can change her mind about him.

He beats himself up a little for facing the other way, but soundlessly thanks Yoba when she comes closer and drapes her right arm and leg over him, pulling him closer into a cozy spooning position. He lets out the breath he's been holding, and he feels his jaw relax. The farmer's smaller frame is warm and comforting against his back and he relaxes into her, sighing. It smells like home. She feels like home to him. 

He barely has time to think about it at all before his eyelids grow leaden and a heavy slumber takes over.-The next day, the sound of a sizzling hot pan and clinking dishes wakes Shane from his sound sleep. The scent of cherries, flowers, the woods... and cooking oil?

He rubs his eyes blearily with the back of his hand and blinks until his vision returns back to normal. When the world settles around him, he's a bit taken aback. This isn't his bedroom. He looks around and quickly pieces together the events of the night before. Yoba, of course.

The way she had patiently waited until his frantic breaths slowed down. How he felt when she had stroked his hair so slowly, so lovingly. The way she looked at him. Like he was real, like he mattered to someone. How she had gently taken him by the arm and led him up into her house... and feeling the mattress shift under her weight...

As he gingerly shuffles into the kitchen, pulling his shirt over his head and trying to snap out of it, the farmer turns to him. 

"You're awake!" She smiles brightly at him from her place at the stove.

"About last night, uh, Y/N, I..." He trails off and rubs a hand against the back of his neck embarrassedly, unsure what to say. Last night was horrible. I'm sorry you have to take care of me? I'm sorry I can't explain how I feel because I genuinely don't know how to process it for myself?

He wants to tell her just how thankful he is for the farmer's presence in his life. She was the only one who was allowed tell him what to do without being overbearing. He was gruff and stubborn, she was patient and bright. He could almost explode and kiss her lips, her cheeks, her neck, her hands out of indebtedness for everything she'd done for him since moving to Pelican Town. She saved his life. He probably could've let- no, he would've let himself go, Shane corrects himself.

"Hey," She comes up to him, placing a gentle hand on his arm. His skin tingles under her touch. "You had a really hard night yesterday. We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, I just want you to know... I don't know. I'm always here if you need anything? Even if you feel like you're at your worst. I think I'd do anything for you."

He involuntarily smiles a little. No one's ever cared about him in this way.


"Breakfast is ready. You wanna have a seat at the table?" She eagerly hands him a plate towering with food and some cutlery. It smells incredible and his stomach growls immediately. 

He takes a seat at the table and she joins him, soon after, setting down two glasses of fresh orange juice and sitting just to his right. Shane tears his eyes away from her and finally looks down at what she's cooked for him.

Eggs, pan fried to perfection with crispy golden-brown edges and a perfect jammy yolk. Definitely from his chickens, he thinks to himself, swelling with pride. Slices of rare steak line the edge of the plate, smeared with some sort of shimmering dark red sauce.

It looks delicious. He tries the red sauce and steak first.

That sauce... Hot peppers, his favourite.

The farmer giggles a bit as Shane starts shoveling the food into his mouth, bits catching on his stubble. He notices her looking over at him and quickly wipes his mouth, blushing.

"The steak is just leftover from a few nights ago, but the chickens just laid some really wonderful eggs and I've been making up a few jars of that spicy pepper chutney you love, so I thought it'd all go well together! Comfort food, y'know?" She beams and takes a forkful into her own mouth. "I hope it's okay." 

His mouth is full again but he lets out a low grunt of approval. It's so flavorful, so fresh... he can't remember the last time anybody's cooked him something that tasted like this. Sure, Marnie cooked dinner for himself and Jas every night at home. He was grateful for it but it was never anything special. Mostly Hamburger Helper and casseroles. Gus made some great food, but eating pepper poppers and pizza almost every week at the Saloon rendered them less exciting. And of course, anything was probably better for him than the JojaMart frozen dinners. This was unbelievable. He momentarily pictured himself and Y/N enjoying a home-cooked breakfast like this every morning, then mentally slapped himself for feeling so greedy. 

They finish their meal and Shane gets up to leave, collecting his belongings. As he's putting his shoes and hoodie back on, he stops.

"Hey, Y/N?"


"Thank you. Thank you so much. For everything. I don't know if I can even put it all into words. Yesterday could've been the worst mistake I ever made. And Yoba, I've made a lot." He laughs a little at his joke, but his words are meaningful and genuine. "I'm really glad you were there for me, Y/N." 

The farmer feels butterflies in her stomach for a second.

Just as he's stepping out the door, Shane turns around and starts to speak again. "Look... I'm going to try my best. I have to. I have Jas and Marnie... and you... I promise. I'm going to make that promise to you, okay?"

"Okay, Shane." 

She smiles softly at him and leans in for a tight hug. He accepts it contentedly and buries his face in the farmer's hair, trying to capture and memorize this immediate feeling. The familiar scent of musky cherries and soft lilies trickles in and he can't help but feel a small grin take over his face.

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