'I don't wanna fight no more
I don't wanna hide no more
I don't wanna cry no more' Peter sung and you could hear the pain in his voice

"The pain in his voice is unreal" Steve says with sadness in his tone while everyone nods their heads in agreement

"But the pain in his voice is also making him sing better in a way." Wanda says quietly but everyone manages to hear.

"Is no one going to talk about the high note?" Natasha asks still in shock but everyone ignores her.

'Be a little closer now
Just a little closer now
Come a little closer
I need you to hold me tonight'

"Guys I still need to know how did he hit that high note with such ease?!" Natasha asks still in shock.

"He is just that good what do you expect?" Tony says

' I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean.
Just to be with you and fix what I've broken'

"He is an amazing singer, songwriter" Natasha says to no one in particular but everyone hums in agreement

'Cause I need you to see
That you are the reason'

Peter's POV

After I finished my song I opened my eyes and seen everybody applauding me yet again like they did after my first song and I couldn't help but smile and I turned to the side to see mum coming up to the stage and she hugged me and whispered in my ear

"You did really well, I am really proud of you, now security will take all of the drums and the equipment off the stage for 20 minutes or something for the official announcement and you can take a break for the mean time but now go behind me and stand beside Happy." She gave me a smile and I went over to Happy and he nodded to me which I did back while I looked over to see the security already had removed the equipment

"You did good kid, I never knew you could sing" Happy said to me as he passed me a bottle of water like he knew my throat would be dry.

"I like to do it I just don't do it much but thanks Uncle Happy" then Happy put his hand on my shoulder as I drunk the water and then started to listen to mum

"Now some of you might know, why we are here but if you don't, we are here to honour earth's mightiest heroes the Avengers so let's bring out the original six who started it all in New York City to stop Loki and the Chitarui aka Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, Hulk, Ironman, and Thor their names are Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark and Thor Odinson!" Mum said their names loudly and fast in to the microphone which made everyone cheer loudly which made my Spidey senses to go haywire but I played it off well, so no one noticed, Happy and I clapped for them.

They all walked on and smiled at me and I smiled back while dad did the most smug look ever, towards me to which I rolled eyes at him.

"But there are newer one's who has joined recently you know them as Ant-Man who isn't going to be staying for long because he wants to be with his family, Black Panther who couldn't make it due to being in Wakanda, Doctor Strange who couldn't make it due to guarding the Sanctum Sanctorum, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Vision, War Machine who make it couldn't due to being in the military and Winter Soldier and their real names are of course Scott Lang, T'challa King of Wakanda, Doctor Stephen Strange, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Colonel James Rhodes, James Buchanan Barnes" Mum said with the biggest smile and I clapped and did a friendly smile towards all of them which they all returned when they were walking on.

Security was standing beside all of the covers and then revealed mannequins with a copy of everyone's suit and copies of their weapons and a lot of information about them but they all got revealed but one which confused everyone but Dad, Mum, Happy and the rest of Happy's security.

Peter Parker after Civil WarWhere stories live. Discover now