The Eric Cartman-Kyle Broflovski Body Swap. Alternate Ending.

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*this is an alternate ending to this story where they end up stuck in each others bodies.*

*Later after school we see Kyle in Eric's body walking out with Eric in Kyle's body running up to.*

Eric in Kyle's body: "hey yo Kyle, wait up man, listen, I have something to say to you dawg."

Kyle in Eric's body: "ugh oh my god it's so weird to hear you say that in my body, but yeah what is it Cartman?."

Eric in Kyle's body: "I just wanna say that I.I..I'm sorry, Kyle alright Being you was hella harder than I thought. And in your last class I took, it was something about respecting people and I was thinking, maybe I should've been a bit more nicer to you. I mean, I know we always have our arguments here and there and we don't often see eye to eye and apparently if two enemies fight and they really hate each other that means they secretly love each other. But we all know we don't love each like that. But I just thought you should know dude."

Kyle in Eric's body: "Yeah yeah, I get it now Eric, It's a bit hard being you, I mean you actually do have a good life, I understand what your life is like. But maybe I shouldn't keep on making fun of you for being a big fat ass Eric."

Eric in Kyle's body: "yeah same here dude. *Sighs.* Look let's just go back to our homes. I mean I'm your body so I have to go back to your house and vice versa."

Kyle in Eric's body: "and then when we go to sleep let's just pray and wish really hard to swap back."

Eric in Kyle's body: "agreed."

*They then shake hands and they go their own ways back to their homes as we see Eric in Kyle's body entering Kyle's home and apologise to Shelia."

Eric in Kyle's body: "Uhh, hi. mom, I'm home from school."

Sheila: "hello Kyle bubbie, how was school."

Eric in Kyle's body: "It was good mom. Hey, mom I have something to say."

Sheila*still a bit mad about what happened this morning but she's calmed.*: "Yes Kyle what is it bubbie."

Eric in Kyle's body: "Well mom, I just wanna say that, I'm sorry. I'm really really really really sorry for what I said this morning mom, I didn't mean it. It was uncalled for please don't ground me."

Sheila: "It's alright, Kyle. I forgive you, my little boy, well I guess because you said sorry, I'll unground honey."

*Then later it's dinner time and Eric in Kyle's body is picking at his food.*

Sheila Broflovski: "Kyle honey are you ok? Your not eating your dinner honey."

Eric in Kyle's body: "yeah I'm ok mom I'm not really hungry tonight."

Gerald Broflovski: "Kyle are you sure your not hungry, you normally always eat your dinner."

Eric in Kyle's body: "Uhh yeah dad I'm not really hungry, can I just go get ready for bed and go to sleep?."

Sheila Broflovski: "I guess so Kyle."

*Eric in Kyle's body then goes upstairs as we see him in his room getting out of his clothes and in his pajamas brushes his teeth and gets into bed.*

Eric in Kyle's body: "maybe I shouldn't keep making fun of Khal for being Jewish and making fun of his faith*he then sees a shooting star goes by and he knows what to wish for.* I wish me and Kyle were back in our own bodies. I'm sorry for calling him Jew Boy and so on and making fun of his Jewish faith, I wanna be me again please god let me and Kyle swap back."*he then goes to sleep.*

*meanwhile a few hours before we see Kyle in Eric's body entering Eric's house house and sitting down on the couch watching tv as Eric's mom Liane Cartman exist the kitchen with a after school snack and gives it to him.*

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