Yet Another Anecdote

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Back in June, I stayed with my grandma while our apartment's parking lot was being redone. She had told me I was fat and that Stephen was going to leave me because he was getting thinner due to his physical labor job. I was venting to him about how shitty I felt and joked around saying "If you're gonna dump me, just do it in September ok?"

What a poor joke.

He ignored my comments and said nothing. When I pushed him for reassurance, this was his response.

"Stop listening to people about our life..if I was gonna leave I would have by fucking here stop tripping. Ignore everybody else. Their opinions are irrelevant...fuck all the non-believers".

At first, I did find this reassuring. In 2022, he hadn't dumped me. He stuck by me through the hardest times of my life. And I knew he wasn't shallow; he told me he loved me when I was 100 lbs skinner just the same as he loved me now.

But now I just see the lies and hostility. All I wanted was for him to remind me how much I meant to him, how much he loved me. If he was going to leave he would've by now... why did he leave when the times were getting better? When I was getting better? He stuck through the bullshit with me, why couldn't he hang on just a little longer? I wanted nothing more than to rise from the ashes like a damn Phoenix with him by my side.

But he wanted to watch me burn a little longer.

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