water under the bridge(03)

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Gracie's pov:

Bea invited me to this party at Josh's house tonight. At first, I was reluctant, but she convinced me to go after her constant begging. Since she was the only one who I told about Olivia and I's kiss, so another way she got me to go was to tell me it would help me get over her and I kinda believed it because she's basically been my lifeline throughout all this drama. I'm thinking all of this while getting ready for that very same party, I was wearing a powder blue. Corset top with dark washed jeans and my favourite blue converse.

Bea picked me up outside my house at 8 o'clock in her dark blue Toyota. She was wearing a cropped 'the cure' shirt with a black skirt and leather jacket. "You ready to have fun for once, or is some shit about to go down again." Bea commented, remembering the events of the last party their group was invited to.

" I thought we swore never to speak of that again," I grumbled, squeezing the hand of the older woman.

"Well, I guess you thought wrong." Bea snarled in response

When the pair arrived at the party, around 30 people were already there. After we pushed through the crowd of stoner's crowded on the front lawn trying not to breathe in the inhumane amount of weed they were smoking on tbe front lawn, the infamous duo unexpectedly saw Conan "oi' cone how'd you get invited to this?" I shouted over the blasting speakers.

"Olivia, let me come as her plus one! She didn't tell you?" Conan replied, screaming over the speakers. He obviously was very oblivious to the current tension between the two girls in this situation, classic Conan. Even though things were awkward between gracie and Olivia, i still dont regret our kiss ,as much as it had a chance of ruining our lifelong friendship i still had feelings for the girl and was willing to risk it all. nothing could stop that.

As i made her way over to the drinks table to attempt drowing her sorrows in alcohol i saw a familiar beautiful blonde girl. Sabrina. For some reason (probably the alcohol if I'm being real), I was drawn to her, so I made my way over to the girl who was wearing a short baby pink dress and gold accessories. Her bright blue eyes immediately drew in my full attention, with our similar trait currently being that they had very recent drama involving Olivia. "Hey, sabrina, can i talk to you for a second." Yelled the brunette making sabrina walk over to her.

"What do you want roof bitch?" Yelled sabrina over the speakers looking me up and down, she's plastered too.

"You got shit going on with liv, too?" Slurred gracie, taking a drink from a bottle on the table next to them. "Y'know, you look gorgeous tonight."

"You trying to flirt with me abrams?" chuckled sabrina, taking the bottle from my hand and taking a drink.

"What if I was?" I suggested

"Then I'd really enjoy it." She replied, approaching closer to my vicinity. a strong smell of alcohol hit my nose the moment I approached the blonde. We were now holding one another ,her hands lay wrapped around my neck while mine were more suited to her hips.

Under the flashing blue and pink lights and violent scent of alcohol and weed, I wasn't at peace, but yet sabrina lay an eager kiss on my lips. She pulled away with a chuckle at the sight of her lipstick smudged onto my mouth.

"Wanna go somewhere more quiet?" Sabrina asked, reaching out to my hand.

"Why the fuck not?" I laughed very obviously tipsy.

We started to make our way up the stairs to one of Josh's many bedrooms, immediately rushing into the first one she saw sabrina stopped in the middle of the doorway and laughed. I peered over her shoulder to see Olivia with him. Fucking, Josh of course she'd get with that bitch. It hurt, I'll admit, but at least it's closure, right?

"Have fun lovers," sabrina choked, trying not to ruin her mascara. And with that, we made our way to another bedroom, this one unoccupied. We made our way over to the bed, struggling to keep our hands off one another, our lips gently pressing continuously. It was just getting to the good part when a chime came from my pocket.

B:hey gracie where the fuck did you go it's 20 minutes past your curfew your parents are going be pissed

G:oh shit meet me at the door I'll be there in a second

"I really hate to break up our fun but I like really need to leave" I chucked.

"Well, maybe I could get your number?" Sabrina slightly, saddened at the abrupt cut-off.

"Maybe you could," I replied, passing her my phone, which she swiftly added her number to.

"Text me if you need a good hook-up, ok? You're hot. I don't wanna miss out. " She smirked, walking back out to the party.

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