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Olivia walked through the crowded school hallway, feeling an overwhelming sensation of a crowd of eyes peering over her, watchimg her every move, which she attempted to ignore as she made her way over to Conan's locker. While navigating the crowed narrow hallways of their , she thought over her weekend. Would people be looking at her because of what happened with Gracie yesterday? Should she apologize to her for the kiss ,because she's straight and doesn't want to lead her friend on or worse, lose her.
Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by cash who yelled "Hey oli' did ya have fun with Matt last night!" While making a humping action to the air while laughing at his friends. I honestly just kept my head down and made my way over to Conan, brushing off that dip shit . "Charles McMullen! Keep humping the air because it's the most action you'll be getting for the next week! Detention again!" Screamed, Mr. Reynolds dragged the kid by his collar to the office.

I glared at Conan with a 'seriously' face due to him flipping cash off. Gracie saw Conan and immediately made her way over to us, not realizing I was there too. "Hey, Cone," She mumbled, not looking away from her phone, presumably texting someone. Conan looked at me, obviously sensing the tension in the air probably because it was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "So co- shit." Gracie looked up from her phone to see me immediately looking straight back down at her phone and starting to frantically type something in her notes app. I didn't want to push my luck, so I just ignored it starting a random conversation with Conan to pass the time before first period.

Sabrina glared at me while walking down the hall. She had the face of someone who had just started a war. THAT BITCH TOLD CASH I SLEPT WITH MATT. Oh this is not over, time to execute stage one of my plan titled: get in his pants, the title seems pretty self explanatory but if your an imbecile that means get Josh to sleep with me and therefore screw over Sabrina and maybe... Push away Gracie too.

Saved by the bell everyone rushed to class further busying the hallways makeing it difficult to reach my first and most important period of school. Math class with Josh and Sabrina who didn't decide to show up to class. Me and her would usually sit beside each other but today I decided to approach a familiar brown curly haired boy. We exchanged greetings before Mr Boyle started to ramble on about whatever dumb conspiracy theory he was obsessed with this time giving the class room to talk. I immediately looked over to Joshua's brown guilty eyes "is it true that you slept with Matt on Sunday? because I really don't believe your standards are that low" he whispered to me chucking on ye second sentence. "Ew no I could never be that desperate for a fuck he's like the biggest man whore in the history of the earth" I groaned, obviously disgusted by the thought of sleeping with him. " By the way I know this is kinda random but I'm having a party on Friday so if you could make it that'd be great I can text you the details if you need" he asked and I had no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't go to that party but if I wanted him I'd have to play it cool. " Yeah sure I can come. Just put your number in my phone so I can get the details" he did as he was told put his number in my phone, this Friday is going to be one hell of a night. "Just so you know you can bring a plus one but please don't fuck them in the bathroom, that happened last time I hosted a party. I can tell you now it was not fun to clean up" he joked "I can imagine" Sabrina butted in giving me a side eye which made me have to calm myself before I did anything dumb. An ear bleeding ringing came over the school loud speakers Once again saved by the bell.

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