Percy Swims To Europe

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When Percy told his mother that he was leaving for Iceland, she nearly cried. "Is this another quest?" She asked with tears in her eyes. Percy flicked his wrist and her tears disappeared.

"No, mom. Me and Annabeth are just going to help someone out. We won't be long and I'll have her give you updates. You can use Iris-Messages if you need me." He kissed her forehead and with a promise to be careful and keep in touch, he packed a bag and headed for the beach.

Because Percy's wonderful uncle would quite possibly strike him out of the sky if he flew, (consequences be damned) Fury gave Percy the coordinates of where they were going so he was going to swim all the way there. And the swim was pretty relaxing. It gave Percy some time to himself, surrounded by an environment the he thrives in. He didn't have to see in the ocean, he could feel every little thing in the water. Currents, fish, that one shark with a weird accent. He didn't have to worry about anyone attacking him here and if someone did, he would easily win. He was safe here.

On a regular flight, it would have taken the others about six hours to reach Iceland. With the jet that S.H.I.E.L.D., the agency Fury worked for, gave them, it took four hours. Around the same time it took Percy to swim with the fastest currents and the occasional ride from a group of whales.

They met in a place called Reykjavik that was along the coast. Annabeth exited the jet with excitement, Percy could hear it in her voice when she bounced over to him. "Percy! The type of technology on the quinjet is insane! If Leo got ahold of some of that tech..." She left open ended.

"It's cold." Percy shivered. He could feel the water getting colder while he was swimming and he came across some icebergs but Percy was able to warm himself up easily in the ocean. On land, he began to freeze. "Thank gods I'm not wet." He said. He couldn't hear someone behind him so he flinched when a large and fluffy jacket was laid across his shoulders.

"Sorry for startling you, Percy." Dr. Banner said. "I just wanted to give you a parka because you looked cold. I packed a few extras." Percy smiled and put the parka on after handing Annabeth his completely dry backpack.

"Do you have a cellphone Dr. Banner?" Percy asked now that he was warm.

"Yes I do. And please, it's Bruce." He replied and Percy heard him pull what he presumed was his phone out of some pocket.

"Can you call my mom so I can talk to her?" He gave Bruce his mother's number and she answered on the second ring. "Hi mom."

"Percy! Oh it's good to hear from you." She said with relief in her voice.

"Annabeth, put it on speaker." She grabbed the phone and his mother's voice was louder.

"I'm guessing you made it to Iceland okay?"

"Yes, me and Annabeth are both fine." Percy said.

"Hi Sally!" Annabeth added.

"Oh, Annabeth, hello sweetheart. You two take care of each other okay? Whose phone are you using?" After Percy and Annabeth promised to be careful and watch each other's back, Bruce spoke up.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Bruce Banner, it's my phone Percy is using. I'm one of the members of the Avengers that Percy and Annabeth are with." He sounded so professional that Percy thought it was wild that this person could turn into a scary green monster.

"Dr. Banner, I may know how demigod quests go but I don't know how your missions go. I'm going to be absolutely clear," His mother said sternly. "I want both of my children back to me in one piece. If they so much as have more than a sprained ankle, I will go straight to the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D and tell them you are putting two innocent children at risk and get your whole operation shut down once and for all. Do I make myself clear, Dr. Banner?" Percy bit his bottom lip to hold in his laughter. He could hear Dr. Banner stuttering his agreement.

"Yes. Of course, ma'am." He nearly shouted and both Percy and Annabeth let out a loud laugh. Sally had the affect on people. People tend to say that Percy got his intimidation from his father, but really, it was all Sally. Especially if her children are involved.

Percy could hear the rest of the Avengers coming closer to them and he turned his attention away from his mother and tried to focus on the task at hand. "Okay, so," Annabeth began, "Harmonia is being held by chains somewhere in this country. Is that right Bruce?"

"Correct. Thor didn't know the exact location and considering the size of this country, it could take a while before we find her. Do you guys have any ideas?" Bruce responded.

"We should narrow down the search first." Natasha said. "Harmonia is the goddess of harmony so we can rule out all of the places that seem too chaotic for her to be. I'm guessing some of her god energy would affect the surrounding areas." Percy nodded. Natasha caught on quick and she could see through the mist which was handy.

"Isn't Iceland the most peaceful country in the world? How hard is this going to be?" Bucky asked.

"If I get close enough, I might be able to follow her Ichor." Percy said suddenly. His ideas weren't always the best but this one might just work. He could feel the blood of everyone around him, telling him where they are and if they are moving around. When on Mount Olympus, the god's Ichor is like a homing device, broadcasting to him where each god is. He never felt or heard Harmonia's Ichor before but each god is different. If he hears or feels any type of Ichor, it might just be Harmonia.

"That's... actually not a bad idea." Percy smirked in Annabeth's direction.

"So we have a plan."

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