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I pull against the restraints holding me to the posts of the bed

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I pull against the restraints holding me to the posts of the bed.

Margot eyes me as she crawls on the bed like a tiger stalking her prey.

She sits on her knees, toying with the sheer black cover-up of her bathing suit. She pulls at one end and it slips sensually down her thighs.

By the look on her face, I'd say she knows exactly what she's doing to me.

She reaches behind her, unlacing the pretty bow that held her top together. That too falls in from of her before she begins sliding her bikini bottoms off.

My eyes trail down her body, taking in every inch and inking it into my mind.

She crawls onto my hips, running her finger down my lips.

"Wake up!"

I wake from the dream with a start. My breath is heavy as I look around the dark hotel room, feeling at my wrists only to find, nothing is tying me down.

Everything felt so real.

I look over at Margot before turning back to Jhanvi who shares a bed with me.

A few hours ago we arrived at the Catalina Islands. It was dark out already so we decided to call it a night and head to the hotel.

We originally got two rooms.

It was planned for Hazel and Micah to share and me and Margot to share.

Of course with the new additions, it's now three per room. Kamala is with Hazel and Micah and Jhanvi is with me.

And Margot.

Who I'm apparently having sex dreams about now.

Both of the girls are asleep. The rooms both have two beds. Margot is alone. I replaced my body with a pillow, jhanvi immediately attached to it and I walked to the bathroom as quietly as possible.

I shut the door. Jhanvi is a heavy sleeper. I know this. But Margot? Anything wakes her up so I'm hoping the sound of the lock turning didn't wake her.

I don't even turn on the main light. A small nightlight plugged into a socket gives off enough light to the bathroom. I stare back at my frustrated reflection.

Sexually frustrated.

I contemplate taking a shower to get rid of the boner in my pants or to fix it manually. Turning on the shower would most likely wake Margot and I don't want to explain to her why I'm taking a shower at 3 in the morning.

"Fuck." I groan.

I can't fucking masturbate to my best friend. Especially not while I'm entertaining another girl. I won't hurt Jhanvi like that because I know that she really likes me.

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