#1 thing when investing in stocks

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Dear investors, don't try to predict the price of an asset. Not everything is so clear-cut, as the price of an asset depends on the large players sides, macro trends, geopolitical tensions, business deals, many of this things are confidential and released the last minute, before market open or after market close, and impossible to predict accurately what effect those releases would have on a stock price. 

 That is why traders/investors use portfolio management techniques to lower the negative effect that the single asset can have on your investment portfolio. Use this simple web app if you want to build an efficient portfolio from stocks and ETFs. An efficient portfolio is the portfolio that provides the minimum possible portfolio loss (from all the other portfolios on the market with the same assets that you have but with different weights of those assets), given investor required return. 

Play smart, don't try to follow the market but simply choose value stocks, build an efficient portfolio to smooth the risk and wait patiently when your portfolio beats the market performance

#1 thing when investing in stocks.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα