“You must not be ashamed for it.” Durga tried to console her. “You are one of those few brave and generous mothers who showed the courage of sending her own son behind the bars for all his crime. We are proud of your bravery.”

“Bhairav deserved such a punishment and above all, I feel more pleased whenever your granddaughter’s determination crosses my mind,” Karishma said before catching a brief glimpse of Prachi. “She’s such a blessed child who proved her heroism in her actions. She is the rightful shadow of her grandfather’s lineage.”

Durga nodded her head in agreement and said, “Where is your grandson? Didn’t he accompany you?”

Karishma shook her head in negation. “He was reluctant to join us at first. He is more ashamed of his father than I. But upon my insistence, he agreed upon it. He's outside.”

Abhimanyu and Virendra shook hands before leading each other to the centre table, followed by Karishma and Durga. While Karishma busied herself to look for the arrival of Ishaan, Virendra began with his announcement.

"Kind attention to all of my family members and friends, we have ultimately made ourselves available to spend this day together and lighten our moods." Virendra always carried a soft smile on his lips. "Some of you may already be knowing that we have decided to organize a game of shooting using catapults and whoever will emerge as the winner can lay back and rest, while the defeated one will prepare juices for all. I present before you the judges in the form of Dia, Karishma, Manu and myself."

Ishaan joined the crowd in less than a few minutes and his eyes searched for Prachi, who was standing alongside Shalini in the front row. Ishaan made no mistake in intruding the audience to get a place next to her.

Prachi noticed him at once. "Oh, Ishaan, why are you so late?"

"Grandma left her purse in the cab and I had to collect it." He answered her. "Where's Aaru? Isn't she here today?"

"I think she's more upset than our antici-pation. I'll call her up in the evening." She assured him. "Now let's focus."

Virendra was continuing with his speech. "According to the new rules of the game, we will draw one chit from each of the two glass bowls containing the names of each one of you. The two names will thus form a team for the game."

Dheeraj placed the bowls on the table and Virendra offered Durga to pick one name first. "Rohini, you are the first one." Durga told her. "Now let's see who's going to be your pair?"

Karishma picked the next chit and said, "Dheeraj, it's you!"

"Oh." Dheeraj shook his head. "We're bound to lose the game, Rohini, because neither of us can use the catapult."

"No, Dheeraj, I have learnt a few tricks from Shaurya earlier." Rohini assured him. "We can at least put on a good fight against the experts."

Vihaan nudged Sanchi on her shoulders and whispered, "Are you ready to become my partner in the game, hickory? I'm sure our names will appear together from the bowls since we are inseparable as always."

"Miscon-ception is not good for health, my dear hus-band." Sanchi blinked at him. "I have always dreamt of defea-ting you and here's the cha-nce. Let's see."

Durga picked the next, followed by Abhimanyu this time.



The crowd eased their breathing before rising in excitement again. Shalini inched closer to Dhairya and whispered into his ear. "I think we both will form a pair just like our childhood Shimla camping."

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