2. vicious

400 14 14

One year, ten thousand bad moments
But it was dressed up in heated emotion
And I tried to look for the best in the worst
But like, fuck me, that caused a commotion
You're lucky I'm a private person
I've quietly carried your burden
And everyone thinks you're an angel
But shit, I would probably use different wording
Oh, you're so vicious

— vicious by sabrina carpenter

"excuse me what is going on here!" a teacher approaches the chaos thats going off in the hallway.

most kids scurried away except jaime, finney, billy, and griffin.

"come with me."


"he started with me!" finney defends.

"because he keeps throwing shade at me on social media" jaime back fires.

"okay i don't care about what's happening on instagram, why are you guys bringing it into my school?" the principal interrogates.

"because finney's scary and doesn't want to take it outside" griffin chimes in.

"shut up you only speak up when jaime's around" billy calls out.

the boys started going back and forth until their was a knock on the office door,

"come in!"

the boys quiet down when bruce, vance, and robin walking in with a teacher behind them, "they were skipping, i found them in the staircase."

the principal shakes his head in disapproval, "will my job ever get easier."

finney shifts uncomfortably at the sight of robin. jaime and griffin give each other knowing looks. jaime starts, "you're just jealous that robin wants me and not you."

finney slowly looks at billy and says, "who is he talking too?"

"yeah we saw you guys being friendly during detention, robin posted it on his story" griffin exposes and finney's face drops.

he looks over at robin who was just avoiding eye contact.

"UGH, i told you not post anything!" finney shrieks making griffin and jaime smirk successfully.

"you know what, detention for everyone after school, i'm not dealing with this" the principal throws his hands up in annoyance and dismissed everybody.


robin and finney are back in detention, except this time with more company.

vance was shooting paper balls into the garbage, bruce sat quietly, listening to his music.

griffin was checking his snapchat notifications, jamie sat with his arm crossed while mean mugging everyone.

finney had his back turned to robin, purposely, to show that he didn't want to talk to him.

finney and billy were talking about whatever as robin tried not to say anything to finney.

"yo robin pull up" vance whispered yells. robin walks over and takes a seat next to him.

"you should talk to him" vance nudges his friend.

robin shakes his head, "hell no he embarrassed me."

"i'm not talking about jaime—"

"—i know" robin cuts off, hinting that he's talking about finney.

"it wasn't really that bad" vance defended.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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