" I don't want to talk about it...and, don't call me that!"

Shortly after I was seated John Dory came along. " All aboard, who's coming aboard? Alright, let's get this show on the road!" He revved up Rhonda and we were off.

We arrived at Bruce and Sons. It was pretty far from troll kingdom so we all built up and appetite. " Alright guys this is our stop. Who's ready for some grub?" John Dory called from up front. We all got up and headed out. "Ladies first.." John Dory grinned as I walked down the stairs and out onto the sand. " Everything is so...Big" I gaped in awe. " Well, we are trolls and they are....well I'm not sure what they are but they are more life sized than us. Now let's go I'm starving!" Poppy cheered as she grabbed Branch and dragged him into the restaurant. Everyone else followed suit. 

John Dory came next to me and we exchanged a look. We started to walk together, but I guess the silence became too much." So you're a pop and Country troll huh?"
" Oh, yeah. Almost forgot I told you guys that yesterday. But, Yeah. Originally I was pop, but I wandered off as a wee bitty troll and ended up with the country trolls where I was practically raised with Mz. Delta. When I got older I found myself in troll kingdom and blah blah blah...now I'm here today." I smiled as I finished my story. As we neared we got closer and our fingers grazed. My body tensed for a moment before relaxing. It was probably just an accident anyways, let's not make a big deal out of it.

John Dory and I scoped the scenery out trying to find the others, once we did we took our seats next to them and joined in with the conversation.

" Last nights show was pretty fun. It's nice having all of you back" Branch started
"Yeah. We're sorry we didn't get to watch you grow...let alone stay with you despite our differences." Clay added. 
" Guys Guys, It's okay. Let's not focus on the past but rather on the future. Besides...John Dory is the reason why we broke up"
" That is true" Bruce chimed in. John Dory rolled his eyes, and I turned to look at him. " No way...so you are the infamous person who cause the best boy-band-known-to-man up. For shame..." I shook my head in disapproval. 
" He was all 'Guys we have to be perfect' and 'If we don't hit the perfect family harmony' It was really bad" Clay spoke.
"Okay, Bro's I'm sure John Dory gets the point. Let's just focus on the know instead of the before. And no arguing. Outings like this are supposed to bring us together. Plus we have a new guest, who I'm sure will be around more often" Floyd spoke, nodding his head towards me. I returned the gesture with a smile. 

"Well, now would you look at that, my lovely wife has brought us some tasty choices." Bruce spoke towards the tall lady walking our way. She had red hair and very pretty lashes. " Thank you Brandy. Oh! I would like you to meet Ophelia. She's Poppy and Branch's friend, so now she's a new friend of ours." Bruce added. I waved my hand to her and she waved back. "Well, hello nice to...meet you" She smiled. She walked off Blowing Bruce a kiss back in return. They were so cute, but I decided to hold that to myself. 

" Well, what are you waiting for, dig in!" Bruce said, and the eating commenced. 

We had gotten back to troll kingdom after a long day of adventure, and to say I was tired was an understatement. Rhonda came to a halt as we arrived. We all gathered ourselves yawning and stretching as we got off. "Well, Goodnight everyone. Poppy and Branch, signing off" Poppy grabbed hold of Branch's hand as they went back to his bunker. Bruce, Clay and Viva followed suit. I stayed behind wanting to talk to John Dory more, but I couldn't find the words. 
"Hey, would you like me to walk you to your home?" John Dory spoke, I'm so glad he did too. "Oh yeah, That would be nice" I hummed. 

We both started our slow stroll to my pod, enjoying the sounds of the night. There was so much to say but very little confidence to say it so we just stayed silent. Again, our hands brushed but this time I didn't tense, It caused a small grin to form at my face. Unfortunately we had arrived at my pod and our time was up. "So...uh..." He started. I stood in front of him and avoided eye contact. " Th-Thank you, for asking if I wanted to come. I really had a lot of fun with you." I stopped for a moment, looking at him. Silence fell for a few seconds before I had realized what I said "GUYS!...You Guys. Sorry that's what I meant"
"No yeah, it's cool no biggie." He spoke over me, our words mashing together like a bowl of mashed potatoes. Then silence once more. 

"I guess this is goodnight?" I sighed. 
"Yeah, guess so."
"Well...until next time?"
"Until next time..." John Dory smiled. I turned around to go into my pod, only to turn around once more and give him a hug. "Bye John Dory" I said at last before running into my pod and shutting the door behind me. I made sure to watch him leave, jumping in the air with a fist as if he won a prize. " So cute" I whispered. I went to my room and prepared for bed.

Sigh "Maybe I do like him..."

Trolls Band together (OC x John Dory)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن