Chapter I

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(Ophelia's POV)

Today was the big day! The day that BroZone came to Troll Kingdom to perform for us. AH! I'm so excited. I get to help Poppy decorate and meet the infamous boy band in person. I've haven't been this excited since....well I can't remember when, but this level of excitement had me so ready that I didn't even sleep a wink last night. 
I woke up this morning, showered and put on my best clothing. Have to look good for our guests, yes?

I met poppy at the venue and it had looked as if she was already preparing the decorations. Guy Diamond, Tiny Diamond, Branch, Cooper and Biggie were there as well. I was told Satin and Chanel were goin to be here as well but I just assumed they were working backstage. 
"Okay Guys- we have to absolutely make tonight perfect. After all BroZone will be Performing here and since Branch is a member of BroZone-" Poppy started before I interfered

" Wait- Branch is a BroZone member? WHAT!? How come I never knew this??" I tilted my head to the side, dropping my shoulders in disbelief. 
" Well, I don't really talk about it much since our story is complicated, but none of that matters now since they are here now and we are a family once more. That's what really matters" Branch said, glancing over at Poppy.

" Awh, Branch that's so sweet." Poppy replied. " But no time for making googly eyes, It's time to decorate!!" Poppy pulled out a bunch of decorations and burst out into song. We all joined in, Dancing and singing until everything was decorated by the end of the song. It was absolutely perfect. The perfect amount of glitter and shine while adding a touch of BroZone flare. We all stood in the middle of everything, admiring how our hard work looked. Everyone dispersed to do their own things and I stayed with Poppy and Branch, unsure of what to do next. But I guess poppy read my mind because..

" Okay Branch, You go get ready to greet your brothers. I'll go get ready with Ophelia. If you see Viva Branch, Tell her I'm with Ophelia, Satin and Chanel." She gave Branch a peck on the cheek before pushing him off on his way. " Why Satin and Chanel?" I asked. 
"Well, you need a new outfit. Not saying that your outfits suck, but you need something spectacular to wear. All of troll kingdom will be there for the concert looking sharp, and so do you. Now, to Satin and Chanel!" Poppy yelled while pointing a finger in the air. 

She dragged me off into a pod where the twins stood. Fabrics, threads and buttons displayed across the floor. " Satin, Chanel. We're here so we can make my best friend, Ophelia here, a rocking outfit for the rocking concert tonight. Any ideas?" 

Satin and Chanel looked at each other before nodding their heads. " On it!" And with that I was dragged off by the two. " Hm...Maybe some earthy tones to bring out the golden color in her brown eyes. " Satin said, "Oh yes! That's wonderful let's see what we have...." 
For the next our Satin and Chanel worked on making me a "Rocking" outfit, and I must say...

"Wow....not gonna lie I was expecting a lot of glitter, but you kept it cute and comfortable for me. Thank you. The both of you"

"Anything for a friend of Poppy's" With that Poppy pulled me away once again

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Anything for a friend of Poppy's" With that Poppy pulled me away once again. "C'mon Ophelia, let's finish getting ready at my place! YEAH!" 

(John Dory's POV)

"All right! Tonight is thee night. The first show at Troll Kingdom, courtesy of Branch's girlfriend...Queen Poppy!" I looked at my brothers, a wide grin on my face. Bruce, Clay and Floyd were all in Rhonda with me, preparing for our first show back together as a family. " BroZone's back!"

"Alright!" They all said in unison. I walked towards the front of Rhonda, Patting Floyd on the back as I walked past him. I adjusted my glasses before taking a seat. "Looks like we'll be arriving soon. And when we do...we will once again see Not-so-Bitty B. Full speed ahead Rhonda!"

I joined my brothers in the back once more, getting myself ready. We decided to go with our puff vests for tonight's performance, it makes the ladies go crazy every time. Frosted tips for Clay, Glasses for Bruce and Floyd...well he's already the heartthrob so he can just go as he is. " Alright gentlemen looking good, looking good!"

" Got to flex the drip" Clay said, pulling on his sweater romper. I chuckled, but before I could say anything to the others Rhonda came to a halt. Letting out a roar I ran to the front and looked through the glass. " We have arrived guys!" I called for them as I exited Rhonda, giving her a pat as the others followed behind. Poppy and Branch were the first to greet us, running around to hug us all like an excited puppy seeing its owner once again. I ran over to Branch, he held his hand out but I used it to just pull him into a hug. "It's great to see you again Bitty B" 

Branch rolled his eyes with a smile followed after. " OH-EM-EE! I'm so, so, sooo happy you guys could make it. There's someone I want you to meet. She's my new best friend and she also helped to decorate this place." Poppy looked behind herself and My brothers and I exchanged looks. "Ophelia! C'mon and meet Branch's brothers!" Poppy grabbed the girls hand. My eyes went wide as she stepped into view. "Oh wow..." I muttered. She had the prettiest golden brown eyes that clashed perfectly with her lavender skin and dark purple hair with its white streaks. Her smile was so bright it caused a small one to form on my face.

"Everyone meet Ophelia!" Poppy grinned as she nudged her. " Uhm...Hi. I'm like totally freaking out because I'm actually standing in front of BroZone...Thee BroZone. But uhm...yeah I'm Ophelia, but I'm sure Poppy already told you." She giggled and it was the cutest sound I've ever heard "Sorry, I'm just still in so much disbelief. But uhm...maybe we should get you guys to the dressing room so you can warm up or whatever. Follow me!" Ophelia and Poppy started the way to the room and the others followed, but my feet were stuck to the ground. 

Bruce turned around when he noticed I wasn't moving. "Uh John comin'? You seem a little stuck there.." A smirk came to his face. " Oh uh! Ye-Yeah, coming" I jogged to catch up with the others. 

" Oh gosh...tonight is going to be a long one if she's there..."

 To be continued in Pt.2

Trolls Band together (OC x John Dory)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum