Everywhere we go he has fans, so its always about how people he's with look and if they are at his standards or not. 

I took a few deep breaths in before walking out to see him, he simply scoffed and walked to the car, i followed behind. On the way there he noticed the gas was running low, so he stopped at a gas station near the restaurant, while he was inside paying, i needed to go to the bathroom so i got out of the car and went to the bathroom outside.

 I got a text two minutes later asking where i was. I replied simply with "Bathroom" a few seconds later i heard the door slam open. 


Kimi barged into the stall and grabbed my by my hair, he dragged me out of the stall and banged my head up against a mirror, breaking the mirror. He then grabbed me by the throat and started yelling at me, I'm not sure what, i was almost unconscious.

 I heard the door open behind us, a tall biker with a helmet, he started to walk out but i really needed help.

 I cried, loudly. 

The next thing i remember is Kimi being ripped off of me and thrown to the floor. The guy looked at me, as i fell to the floor. He turned to face Kimi and then started punching him, punch after punch. I loved Kimi and it hurt seeing him like that, but it felt good knowing he was getting a taste of his own medicine. I ended up passing out, the next thing i remember is being picked up by the biker. 

I was starting to regain consciousness, the masked man went back into the store and grabbed water and a bag of skittles. I was sat on the curb outside the shop with his leather jacket wrapped around me, the smell was oddly familiar. He walked out and sat next to me, he passed me the water and skittles.

 "Drink up, kid" is all i heard through the muffled sound of his helmet. I did as he said and then got up, i went to walk back into the bathroom, he followed me. When i got there Kimi was gone, i rushed outside and saw the car was too.

 "He left awhile ago, probably for the best." i heard the muffled voice again. "Do you want a ride home?" i just nodded and followed the biker to his bike, he pulled a spare helmet from the back compartment and placed it on my head adjusting the straps.

 He lifted me effortlessly onto the bike and we started to drive, i held on tight. After about five minutes i noticed we weren't headed in my houses direction, but i didn't want to distract him so i let him drive me to his destination.

 We arrived at a house.... An oddly familiar house. 

Jenna and Diego's house. 

I climbed off the bike and gave him my helmet. He didn't say anything he just drove off.

 I walked to the door and rang the doorbell, Jenna opened the door with a smile but when she saw the state of me her face dropped. She brought me inside Diego was cooking in the kitchen. She sat me down on the couch and went over to Diego, he ran to me and looked at me. 

"What happened this time, Hannah?" i could see the fear in their eyes and it made me feel horrid.

 "I went to the toilet without permission, got my head smashed into a mirror, windpipe crushed, then saved by a masked motorbiker." I caught my breath and continued 

" it was weird to for some reason he knew where you lived and he dropped me off here, as if he knew you were my friends." Diego looked at Jenna and smiled.

 Jenna hugged me and Diego went back to the kitchen. He called someone, i couldn't quite make out the conversation but he hung up quickly and came back with some medicine and ice. Diego finished making dinner while i told them the full story of the last two days. 

I ended up crashing at their house for the night, too scared to see how Kimi would react at the sight of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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