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Seungmin quietly sits on the edge of the bed, staring out of the window with full of thoughts. He wonders if he actually makes the right decision to keep all things hidden to himself.

The conversation with Minho seems to linger in his mind and it begins to hurt his mind even more the more he thinks about it.

The truth is Seungmin remembers everything.

There's not a single memory he lost or forget after the incident where Black Tuan hit his head with a hammer that night.

He recalls Minho being there, unwavering in his determination to protect him from the relentless gang. The vivid memory lingers of Minho valiantly defending him until he succumbs to unconsciousness, worn out from the relentless defense.

Was it really a good idea to pretend this clueless?

As he continued to gaze out of the window, lost in his thoughts, a gentle knock on the door interrupted his contemplation.

Seungmin's heart skipped a beat at the soft knock, and he turned to see Minho entering the room, concerned etched across his face.

Seungmin widens his eyes, unsure how to act at the moment, he is caught off guard by Minho's sudden entrance.  

Seungmin took a moment to compose himself, managing a faint smile. "Are you my doctor or the nurse?" Seungmin asks, pretending to be clueless as he blinks nervously at Minho.

Minho closed the door behind him, a mix of relief and worry evident in his eyes. "No, Seungmin, I'm not your doctor nor your nurse." he replied, his tone gentle. "I came yesterday, remember?"

Seungmin hesitates for a moment, his eyes reflecting a mixture of nervousness and innocence.

"It's okay if you don't remember. I just wanted to check on you. " Minho says softly. He carefully walks towards Seungmin and sits on the chair there.

Seungmin nodded, maintaining his facade of innocence. "Oh, yesterday? Sorry, my memory's a bit fuzzy," he replied, trying to sound convincing.

Minho studied Seungmin for a moment, concern deepening in his eyes. "That's alright. The doctor said it might take some time for your memory to fully come back," he reassured.

Minho sits there quietly as he constantly steals glances at Seungmin and Seungmin who is too conscious about it begins to feel discomfort.

"Are you sure you got into the right room?" Seungmin asks, saying softly, trying not to break the character he just created himself.

Minho chuckles softly, his eyes conveying a  mixture of amusement and genuine care. "I'm pretty sure this is the right room. Unless I've been visiting the wrong patient," he teases, attempting to lighten the mood.

Seungmin lets out a small, nervous laugh, playing along with Minho's humor. "Well, if you're my visitor, then I guess it's the right room," he says, still feigning innocence.

Minho leans back in the chair, a thoughtful expression on his face as he calls out Seungmin's name. "Seungmin.."

"...Did you really not remember anything that night?"

Seungmin is caught off guard by Minho's direct question. He shifts uncomfortably, maintaining the act while trying to choose his words carefully but fails.

The room fell into an awkward silence, broken only by the soft sigh from Minho as he looked at Seungmin. " You must be confused. Pretend I never said that. You will remember nothing anyways." He says, mumbling the last few words.

They both stay quiet again for a long time and as the tension in the room increases for Seungmin alone, he begins to feel more discomfort than ever.

" You told me your name is Minho, right?" Seungmin asks to break the silence.

Minho merely give him a small smile and a nod as an answer.

"What are you to me?" Seungmin's eyes are pools of curiosity, as he is wondering of what kind of answer would Minho give him at the moment, considering that Minho used to hate him, Seungmin just stares at the older one, waiting for an answer.

Minho falls silent, he is apparently taking a long time to answer the easy question Seungmin just have him, somehow finding it difficult.

Minho look at Seungmin, staring him long as his mouth manage to form the words. " We are nothing more than neighbours. I lived next door from your room and we both know each other before you lost your memories, so right now I'm just doing what a kind neighbour would do when knowing their neighbour got into a hospital."

Seungmin's gaze lingers on Minho, a hint of disappointment hidden behind his feigned innocence. "Neighbour, huh? You must have been a terrible neighbor if I don't remember you at all," he says with a hint of little sarcasm which Minho is unable to answer.

Deep down, Seungmin is rather confused than ever. He don't get it at all by the sudden change in Minho's character. Where are the Minho he used to know who is annoying, sarcastic, rude, big head and constantly bickering with him? Do all of the traits that were used to seal inside of Minho suddenly gone after that night? Seungmin struggles to reconcile the stark difference between the Minho he remembers and the one sitting before him now.

The more Seungmin tries to make sense of the situation, the more tangled his thoughts become.

Seungmin, torn between the memories he holds and the facade he's maintaining, can't help but feel a growing sense of unease. The room is filled with unspoken tension, and as Minho continues to play along with the charade, Seungmin wonders if keeping everything hidden is truly the right decision.

"I prefer you not remembering me at all." Minho suddenly speaks which make Seungmin a little bit surprise but he try to remain calm.

" And, why is that?" Seungmin asks, trying to discover the real reason why Minho is behaving this way. His mind only knows or maybe perhaps simplifying that the only reason why Minho is being like this is because out of pity for Seungmin himself.

Minho's gaze shaken, and he hesitates before answering, "Because the Minho you don't remember might have been better for you. The past holds more pain than you realize."

Seungmin's brows furrow in confusion, his act momentarily slipping as genuine curiosity takes over. "What happened between us actually?" He asks, unable to resist the urge to know the truth. Did he miss something important? To the best of his recollection, they got beaten by the fearless gang until both of them collapsed and nothing more.

And, again Minho let the question hanging in thin air. His eyes show mix of sadness and regret.

[Did I write the correct storyline? Is this following the flow thooo? Plis correct me if I'm wrong or just comment what is confusing you guys so I could correct it. I kinda forgot the whole story. Lol.]

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