Chapter 9

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Claire's POV
It was the second preview of the national performance! Thank goodness the shows are gonna be all over soon, meaning that I no longer have to have rehearsals and dance.

I was pretty happy that the national performance was about to be over. Don't get me wrong, I love the ride and it's fun. However, it's exhausting.

Plus, I need to study in the afternoon during rehearsals if I brought any study material because the teachers force us to do that. They're making sure we cope with school as national performers.
Meadow's POV
After lunch ended(a bento set with rice, fish and veggies), I felt extremely weird.

I don't know what I felt but I just know that it wasn't normal. I then decided on something that I ought to do.

I'll perform at the talent show later. My dance item will be Treasure's Darari.


the song performed by the character)

I know this isn't in line with my values but I do not care. I'm going to get more recognition no matter what.

When the teacher-in-charge called us for the show, I ran up to the stage and announced my item eagerly.

I then danced like it was my last ever performance. I was showered with many praises from the other performers and teachers, including some I never saw before. I was pleased at myself for having the courage to run up straightaway and perform on the stage but a part of me felt guilty for an unexplainable reason.

Jelena actually filmed me dancing at the talent show so she sent it to my iPad because I wanted the footage for my own purposes. I didn't ask her to film me though. I saw that she filmed and asked her to send it to me.

Instead of studying for my upcoming Math WA3, I actually decided to start up my own YouTube channel for performing because I felt it important for my mental recovery.

I'm bad at math but I don't care already. I must recover and make sure I get recognised.

I named my channel "meadowperforms" because I do not know what else to name it. I know I should use an alias but who cares, not like my parents will find it.

My first video uploaded was the one at the talent show.

I was taught by my parents to think thrice before acting. This definitely wasn't thinking thrice before acting. It felt like I picked a wing off the butterfly when the video tinished uploading.
Claire's POV
Meadow is definitely changing for the worse. Now, she doesn't care about what her family will think when they find her YouTube channel.

I saw the video and I know she wasn't supposed to upload it since she was wearing a school-based T-shirt, exposing which school she goes to. Plus, the cameraman(whoever it is) accidentally exposed which primary school she comes from.
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