( Diablo Powering and Tiering Explain )

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As you all know Diablo Second place after Zegion in Volume 21 for the stronger Subordinate

Diablo Fact

1. Bofore get Name Or still Noir,Noir/Diablo Fight guy In 3-10 Day for day

2. Diablo still Annoyed guy by Fight and guy get Annoyed by him like normal day

3. Loyal to rimuru even rimuru send himslf to Death he Accept the

4. Watching Rimuru Vs Two True dragon Alone and life no death by Energy or magicuel three of him

5. Make Velgriynd and feldway Be alert to him

6. Velgriynd and Feldway don't want anything to do with Diablo or Noir even he know stronger then him

7. One of top primordial demon in Cardinal World and Outerverse

8. One of Annoying Creature in the hole Outerverse even in Evil Rote or Other Timeline

Main Ultimate skill : King of azazel Illusion,Azazel lord of temptation

Attack Potency : Complex Universal level+ with King of azazel Illusion In Low Multiversal level Unknown Via Azazel lord of temptation

Striking Strength : Complex Universal level+Via King of azazel Illusion In Low Multiversal level Unknown Via Azazel lord of temptation

lifting Strength : H-Class>G-Class

Durability : Complex Universal level+ Withstood One of Velgriynd Attack in Low Multiversal level

Endurance : Complex Universal level+ Withstood Feldway attack in Multiversal level+

Abilities/ability : king of azazel Illusion, azazel lord of temptation

Stamina : Complex Universal level+
Low Multiversal level

Speed : LBOL+ Massively FTL+

Range : Low Multiversal level

Tier : High 3-C>Low 2-B|2-B Likely high 2-C Unknown Via Azazel lord of temptation
Irl my : sorry Ig for bad scaleing and Explaining plus Powering okay see yea in next cp by

Totally all word : 287

To be continued........

just explaining System and tiering above all character in tensuraWhere stories live. Discover now