{°•~^(chapter 6)^~•°}

Start from the beginning









Third person's POV:

After a long hour seungbae fixed his stuff's on his desk as he then prepared on leaving to patrol and spy at sangwoo's house again...

He took the keys and bid goodbye on the other officer's at the office before leaving and start the patrol

"that guy seems to love going on patrol nowadays" one of the police officers said while watching at seungbae leave the police station












Seungbae's POV:

After leaving the police station i quickly went to patrol around the street on sangwoo's house but made sure to keep my distant 'today's no different'

'it looks like his talking to someone..' i thought to myself as i watched sangwoo exiting his home but turned his head to say something back inside his house 'is there someone inside?'

I quickly went to action and rushed towards sangwoo's house gate right after he just left

I sped walk towards the door while also inspecting the place, looking around as i noticed some cigarette buds on a empty plant pot

I pressed both of my palms against the door and leaned my head on it as i tried to listen on any noise inside only to be greeted with silence "i can't tell if anyone's in here.."

"but he was definitely talking to someone.." i muttered to myself as i remembered sangwoo earlier seemingly to talk to someone on the door before he left 'i can't find anything out like this..'

As my gaze lowered i then noticed a small circular thing down on the door...

As my gaze lowered i then noticed a small circular thing down on the door

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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