{°•~^(chapter 2)^~•°}

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M/n's POV:

"can i ask what your name is?" he asked

"M/n" i mumbled and kept my gaze down on my book

There was then a long gap of silence after i said my name as i slowly turned my gaze and side eyed him He seemed a little shocked while syaring at me

"what?" i asked In slight confusion

"m/n?" he muttered before slowly leaning closer towards me

i then sweatdropped at him in complete confusion before he spoked again

"m/n, it's me oh snagwoo.. From the (name of an elementary school), do you remember?" he asked while intently staring at me

"um.. What? Sangwoo? (name of an elementary school).? What the hell are you spitting out right now?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him 'huh?'

"..? Don't.. you remember? we were bestfriend and made a promise together at each other before you transfered to another school...!" He said while placing both of his hands on my desk

"what the hell are you Blabbbling about? Bestfriends? Promise?? Are you okay?" i muttered while staring at him with an slight disoriented face

"m/n.. It's me.. Oh Sangwoo" he said while frowning

I then slowly turned my head to look at my side and saw that no one was paying attention to us and there were only very little students around

I then turned my head back to look at him again "hey, look i don't really know you and i've never seen you in my life before. Whatever your saying right now, i don't know anything about it and please stop talking aboout those non-sense"

What i said seemed to Cut right through him as he stared at me with wide eyes

Silence filled the moment before it was broken by me "well if you have nothing more to say now please leave me alone"

"don't you really remember me..? In (name of an elementary school)? You were the one gave me the lesson i missed because i was sick, and our promis-" he was then cut of by me

"i said i don't! Can't you understand that?!" i snapped as he then went conpletely silence

"ah.. I'm sorry for bothering you then.." he muttered before going back to sit in his chair with his head lowered down

What i did wasn't unnotice by the students around as whisper and mutter from them could be heard

"jeez.. Did someone get in m/n's nerve again?"
"well it's not like it's something new" "his always like that"
"seriously, in the first day back to school?"

I ignored those comments since i was already used to it and it's not like i give a fuck about it, i sighed in annoyance before turn]ng back to reading again

'who the hell is he? His acting like we had an good history when i've never even met him, he probably just had mistaken me for someone else'









Third person's POV:

After some few lesson the school bell then rung indicating it's lunch break now as m/n then slowly stood up with his book still in his grasp as he went to head to cafeteria

"~°•_SEUNGBAES YOUNGER BROTHER!_•°~" (<{KILLING STALKING X MALE READER!~}>)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora