Christmas love

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Rose was a normal girl and she did not think that she would find love again when she lost the love of her life a week before easter so when she lost him she did not know how she was going to go on with her life because she was always sad and couldn't get out of bed because it was just so much pain she had bottle up inside her and she did not know how she would deal with all the pain so she lock her self up in her room and no one would see her even her own family and that was hard for them but they knew that she was in so much pain that she did not know how to help but rose mum did help and she did.

So when it came time for Christmas after some time had passed she was getting better. She went from not leaving her room or her house to being able to go out and do things with her family sometimes but most of all she was getting out and about which was a good thing. Because she needed it and she needed to socialize with her family and friends, so she could get more better. So when Christmas 2025 came she had a lot more to look forward to she had a new job she was back home with her parents but that was only for a while until her new job place that they gave her was ready to live in Because the job was in another country, they even helped her with places to go and look cool things that she might need. But most importantly she was happy and she did not need the painful memory everywhere she looked, she always saw what she lost and was never getting back. When she was better she changed it. She didn't want any reminders of the sadness in her life, even though it took her years to be happy again and get to a point where she could eventually not be so sad. She didn't want to fall down that path again.

So when the new job came, she told her family to celebrate my last Christmas with them before her big move so that they could come and celebrate Christmas at her house next year. She would even show them around when they came over for holidays And she loved that because that meant that she could get better and eventually find happiness again.

She did what she did to use later after her new job took off and she became an amazing worker. She was even up for new promotion and she even found someone to like more than a friend she could somewhat see a future with him and its cute Adorable dog loved her In this time, Christmas came she would introduce him to her family and hopefully they would like him because She wanted to be happy and he made her happy.

So it came to Christmas time she introduced them to him, and they all liked him because he made her happy and looked after her at Home and at work because I worked together, and they were good together a good team of lawyers who took the world by storm and eventually rose Started playing Christmas parties a lot more often because she was good at it and she loved it. She even got a happy ending with the guy she loved that she worked with who officially became her husband on Christmas 2029 and she was happy again.

The end

Christmas short storyWhere stories live. Discover now