Chapter 4; Thorns

Start from the beginning

His words were genuine, but his actions explained otherwise.

"Are you really sorry? Am I supposed to feel bad now?" I sat up from the couch, my elbows now placed on my knees with the phone still to my ear, my head hung low.
'Baby I'm not trying to make you feel bad, I truly am sorry..' he said and sighed 'baby, please come home, i-i need you more than anything, just please..' he snivilled "I'll come back once every ounce of liquor is out of that house." I said 'consider it done, I'll do it right now' he said, slightly sniffling

Was he really crying right now? Shouldn't I be the one in full tears? The person I signed away my last name too decided to hit me under the influence and yet he's the one crying?

I guess I have to understand it though.. I did leave.

I ended the call and let out a frustrated groan
"Was it Hia?" a voice said from behind me, i jumped and turned around
"Oh, Macau, It's just you. Yeah it was "I said and sighed in relief "are you finally going home?" he asked "you say that as if you don't want me here any longer" i laughed lightly "No, that's not it Phi, i'm just saying." Macau stated "But to answer your question, yeah, I am going home today, maybe in a few minutes or so" i said and looked at my bag "do you want me to call you one of the guards to drive?" he asked "no no it's fine, i'll just take a taxi" i said

The house looked quieter than usual.
I walked up to the door and opened it, the sounds of footsteps heard running down the stairs
"Pete?" i heard
I set my bag down by the door as Vegas appeared at the bottom of the stairs "Pete!" he said and ran to hug me "oh my pete" he said and caressed my hair fast, held my face and looked at me for any wounds and whatnot "where have you been? I've been worried sick" he said, frantic.
"I was at Macau's place, don't worry" I said, he relaxed and let out a sigh of relief
"Please don't ever leave me like that again, pete. You're all I have to love" he said and hugged me tightly "there's better people than me, Vegas." I said and hugged him back, resting my head on the front of his shoulder.
"Why would I find 'better people' when I have you, I chose you, I married you. You are all i need in this life" he said

Then treat me like it then..

[2 months after marriage]
Emotional disconnect; 2nd month into marrying Vegas, I felt like I was constantly walking on eggshells.

'I'll be home late tonight.' Vegas said on the other end of the phone "kind of figured, it's already 7 and you're not home, I put your dinner in the fridge." I said while washing the dishes of dinner from eating alone, once again.
'I'm sorry, I couldn't be home for dinner tonight' he apologized, I was so used to it by now.
"It's fine, Vegas." I said, little to no emotion in my voice.
'Thank you for understanding, Pete.' he said, 'I love you' he added
"Yeah.. Anytime, I love you too hun" i said and cut the line

Another lonely night, another quiet house.
I sighed and leaned against the sink, my palms facing in-wards. I snapped to my senses and turned off the water and dried my hands and turned the lights off to the kitchen, living room, and the main hallway, then went upstairs where mine and Vegas's shared room was.
I took a long hot shower, and got into sleep wear, a big tee, shorts, and one of Vegas's hoodies.
Us being different sizes, I drowned in his hoodies. But they gave me the most comfort while sleeping.
I went over to the bed and laid down, pulling the sleeves of the hoodie down over my hands. I put the sleeves to my nose and smelled the intoxicating scent of my nowhere to be seen husband.
"I love you Vegas, i wish you weren't so caught up in work that we can actually be together more" I said to myself before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

[1:45 am]
I woke up slightly to the sound of the door opening, I've always been a light sleeper.
A groan was heard from the doorway, footsteps now approaching the bed and the pressure weighing down on the other side.
I shuffled and turned around to see Vegas.
Still wrapped in the blankets and Vegas's hoodie, I looked at his back side with big eyes.
He turned around slightly
"Did I wake you up baby?" he asked in a soft tone "don't worry about it, how was work?" I asked with a yawn "tiring per usual, let me get out of these clothes and I'll come to bed, okay?" he said, I nodded and he got up and went into the bathroom with clothes in his hand.

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