Chapter 14 - School bully...

Comenzar desde el principio

Haru: Don't you have family from your mother side that can have your custody?

Suki: There was only my mother and me. I don't think that she was in good term with her family... and I think... that it's because of me... because I was born out of marriage... (She was embarrassed and sad.)

Haru: I hope that things will be better with your family in the future. If you need to talk, I am here for you... and about those girls, try to avoid them as much as possible. I can't assure you that they won't bother you again because we are easy target... you heard them...

Suki: Thank you Haru... can I ask you something? (He nodded.) Did Vito bully you too?

Haru: No... only Amanda and her friends... they think that only white people deserve to be in that school... Most of them are from well known families, with power in that city... I call them the "Blonde Club"... (He smiled to ease the atmosphere.)

Suki: I'm going to clean this at the restroom...

Haru: You didn't eat a lot...

Suki: I'm fine... have a good afternoon, bye.

Suki left the cafeteria under the heavy stares of most of the children. She spotted Vito at one of the central table with his friends and Amanda's band. She avoided to look at him, wanting to prevent a mean reaction from him too. But the teenager had already saw her passing by and the state she was in. At his girlfriend and her followers' reaction, he understood that they were responsible of that situation.

Vito didn't want to pay attention to that kid and after his father's warning, he decided to just ignore her as long as she did the same and not interfered with his life. But for the last 10 minutes, people were annoying him of questions about her.

Boy: Vito, you kept for yourself that you had a little sister... she is cute with that...

Boy 2: I can't believe that she is really your sister, she doesn't look like you at all! Your father knows how to choose women... her mother must be beautiful...

Vito: (He stood up with a menacing aura.) Can you shut the fu** up!

Boy: Cool dude...

Vito: Who told you about all that shit?!

Boy: We heard your girlfriend's discussion with that kid... that's funny that you let her treat your sister like that... but as she said, you maybe really hate her... she is only a half sister after all.

Vito: That useless bit** doesn't know when to shut her mouth!

The two boys thought that Vito was angry because of Amanda's way to talk to and about his little sister but no, Vito was mad that she talked about his link with Suki. Because if no one knew, he wouldn't have to care about what people think and his family's honor. No one could mess with a Smith without paying the price.

Even if he didn't like Suki, he couldn't escape that family rule. He needed to remind Amanda of her place, so he texted one of the girls he knew was after him to join him in front of the school at the end of the classes.

Then he went back to his classroom and patiently waited for the end of the day. He was waiting outside, near his car when the girl he called, Mary, showed up. She was all excited by Vito's message.

Mary: Vito, I'm glad that you finally decided to contact me...

Vito: (He smirked.) Yeah, I thought that we could have fun together... what do you think?

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