Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

" How many times is she gonna call you ? " Taijae , or Tai , one of Lo's females asked him . They were on vacation together in Turks and Caicos because Lo wanted a getaway to relax before basketball season started again and he would be busy with work and practice .

He knew Alyssa was blowing his phone up because Taijae was posting pictures of them all over her instagram account. Lo was single and he let every female he messed with know that he wasn't trying to be in a relationship . He didn't stop them from taking pictures of him because he wasn't trying to hide anything from anybody , if they wanted to get mad and start arguing with each other then that was all on them. They knew not to come at him with any bullshit .

Alyssa used to be the cool one that didn't care what Lo did and never tried to fuss with his other females or blow his phone up when she knew he was with someone else but every since she got pregnant she had been clingy and tripping out .

" Let me see what she want " Lo said as he answered her facetime call. " What Lys ? " He asked her when the call connected.

Alyssa had to do a double take to make sure she was seeing correctly . Taijae was laying her head on Lo's chest so she could clearly see her . " Really Angelo ? you're gonna answer my facetime call with a bitch laying on your chest ? " she fussed .

" It ain't like you don't know i'm with her " Lo shrugged . " what's up ? something wrong ? why you keep calling my phone ? " He asked . The only reason he answered her call was because she was pregnant with his baby .

" When are you coming back ? " She asked him . 

" It's gonna be a minute . I'm flying Tai back home to vegas in four days and then im taking Taysia with me the superbowl to watch my brother play and then i'm going to spend a week with Shai in Miami " Lo said.

Lo liked to keep a rotation of the same females in his roster because he was an athlete and he cared about his health so he didn't want to have to go out and find a random woman to fuck on when he was in the mood  . Taijae , Alyssa , Ashaia , and  Taysia were the girls that he kept on his roster consistently but it was other females that he would randomly mess with from time to time , mostly when he was on the road .

Lo never lied to any of them and he never hid who he was spending time with . He liked all of them and he let them know from the beginning what it was and he didn't force them to stick around if they weren't ok with the situation so if stuck around it's cause they wanted to not because he forced them to or blind sided them into the situation .

" So you're not coming with me to my doctors appointment? " She questioned .

" Nah .. Kia said the first few doctors appointments just be five minutes of bullshit . All they gonna do is the same shit they did last time . Check the baby heart beat , your weight , ask you if you have any questions and send you on your way . I ain't missing nothing " He said causing her to smack her teeth and hang up in his face .

Lo didn't pay her any mind as he put his phone on do not disturb before sitting it on the nightstand.

" I didn't know you were gonna go see Taysia and Shai right after dropping me off at home " Tai said looking up at him .

" yeah I miss them " Lo said honestly . Lo was too honest and it was a blessing and a curse at the same time .

" Really ? you just slid out of my pussy and you gonna tell me you miss your other bitches" Tai fussed .

" stop asking me shit if you gonna be mad about my response " He said pushing her off of him cause he was annoyed now.

" Lo who's your favorite ? " She asked him .

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