Felix's beginning pt 2

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"Please, please be on your best behavior for me boys. This is really important" Chan warned them.

"Don't worry, hyungie!" Minho flashed a bright smile. Chan had no choice but to trust that Minho and Seungmin would behave while they were at the orphanage. It wasn't a very long drive there and soon, Chan was walking in with the two boys next to him. 

"I'm here to see Lee Felix" He told the lady at the desk. 

"Reason?" She barely even looked up, continuing whatever she was doing behind her computer. Chan tried not to comment on how rude that was. 

"I'm supposed to adopt him" He answered as politely as he could. Finally, the lady looked up.

"Your...Mr. Bang?" She guessed, almost surprised. Chan didn't see why she would even care but he nodded anyways. 

"And where is Mrs...Bang?" She questioned, acting annoyed. Chan pursed his lips. 

"My grandma is on vacation right now!" Minho stood up on his tiptoes so he could see over the top of the desk. Chan took a deep breath, trying to not laugh. Only his kid would say something so casual as a sarcastic response. 

"So you are....unmarried?" She emphasized, her eyes going wide. Chan was getting a little tired of this lady.

"Duh" Minho rolled his eyes. 

"Minho, no" Chan shook his head a little, looking down at his oldest kid. Minho just shrugged and went back to teasing Seungmin and keeping the younger occupied. 

"Look, I have already been approved, I've answered all the questions and had a million backgrounds checks, home visits and everything. Can I please go get my kid?" Chan was already tired so he just went to find Felix and go home. 

"Right this way" She turned her back, rolling her eyes. The lady must have thought Chan didn't notice but he did and it made him more annoyed.

"Normally, we don't let single parents adopt so I'm a little unsure why your any different" If this was supposed to be small talk, then Chan preferred the silence. Who was this lady to judge him?

"I was probably approved because I have all the necessities and more to take care of a child. As you can see, I already have two of my own and they are doing just fine" He responded, a little harsher than he intended.

"Yes...that's another reason I'm surprised you got approved. A single parent with two kids already is not usually someone we would entrust kids to" She stated, her heels clicking on the floor like a rhythmic, incessant buzzing in Chan's ear. 

"When is the rude lady going to stop being a judgmental bi-?" Minho tugged on Chan's arm, looking up at him with innocent eyes.

"Bang Minho! Do not finish that sentence!" Chan scolded, exasperated and curious where his kid could have learned something like that. Minho only shrugged for the second time, not seeing anything wrong but unwilling to test the limits any further. Chan looked back at the rude woman, whose lips were pressed into a thin line as she looked disapprovingly at him. 

"You know, I think I can find my son on my own now. If you could just tell me what room he is in, I'll let you get back to your job" He decided that it might be best for him to just continue on his own without his help. It would be best for his sanity and also for the boys so that he was less worried about them throwing a fit because of the lady in front of them.

"Room 20B. I expect you gone within twenty minutes or I will have reason to believe that you might not be who you say you are" She walked off with her head held high. 

"Can I call her a bitch now?" Minho wondered. 

"No. Don't ever call anyone that, it's a rude word and if I ever hear you say it again, you'll have your mouth washed out" Chan shook his head, taking Minho's hand and continuing on to find room 20B.  

"Hey, you must be Felix" Chan walked over to the small boy sitting in the middle of the room. 

"Lixxie" The boy corrected. 

"Right, Lixxie. Are you ready?" Chan knelt down in front of him. 

"Ready for what?" Felix looked up, confused. Minho squatted down and poked Felix in the head.

"We're your new family, Lixxie. I'm Minho. I'm your hyung, and that's Minnie. Your his hyung" Minho put his hand out but he didn't get a chance to find out more about Felix because Seungmin saw his hand and latched onto it, sucking on Minho's hand without remorse. 

"Ohh, Minnie!" Minho whined, trying to pull away but failing. Felix watched for a moment and then burst out laughing; small, cute giggles that consumed his entire body and almost made him fall over. He would have, if it weren't for Chan putting a hand behind his head and helping the two-year-old to sit back up. Minho stopped and looked at Felix and then decided to put a hand out, patting the younger boy on the head. Seungmin released Minho's hand and switched to Felix's hand instead.

"It tickles!" He giggled, looking at Seungmin. Chan let it go for a minute and then pulled the baby off. Felix got up, with Minho's help and held his new brother's hand as they were leaving. He was ready to go to his new family. The group went around and saw a few landmarks, staying in Australia for a couple weeks before it was time to go back to Korea, bringing Felix to his new home for the first time. 

Who would you all want to see next? Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin or I.N.? 


Order of joining

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