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Minji hadn't even entered the world when her destiny with Hanni Pham was sealed. Both mothers, friends since high school, always dreamed of their children being inseparable from day one. Isn't it ironic that this is the highest wish you can have for your friend, considering life's myriad possibilities? But that's how it was.

With just three months of life, Minji met Mrs. Pham's daughter. Although Minji had no memories about that encounter, her mother used to tell her that from the first day they met, they couldn't stop staring at each other. However, Minji's clearest memories date back to her first day in kindergarten, where she was greeted by Hanni Pham's outstretched arms.

"Ah, Minji-yah, my mom wanted me to give you this," Hanni welcomed her into the classroom.

"What is it?" Minji turned her head, puzzled, as she received a silver lunchbox.

"Gimbap. Your birthday is near, and I didn't knew what to get you, so I asked her to make this because it's your favorite."

"Thank you, Hanni-yah!" she hugged her.

From that day on, not a day went by without them seeing each other. They went to school together and spent every weekend together. Although their friendship was peculiar, Minji didn't question it back then. Now, looking back, she realizes that their relationship went beyond mere friendship, especially due to the tradition Pham initiated on her tenth birthday.


"Yes! we have to give each other a kiss right here," she pointed at her own lips, "every time it's our birthday."

"Why? That makes no sense."

"Well, my parents do it every time they see each other, and they no longer live together, so they're just friends. Just like us!"

"Oh," Minji thought about it. It didn't make much sense, considering Minji's parents were also separated but never saw each other. Still, she never saw anyone kissing like Pham suggested. "Why should we do it?"

"Kim Minji, always so silly, Minji," she pinched her cheeks, "you know I never know what to give you for your birthday. So I had the best idea in the world: instead of giving each other things, we should give each other a kiss as a gift. That way, we don't have to think about what to give the other for their birthday or spend our mom's money."

Pham's idea made sense to her back then. Minji didn't like her mom spending a lot of money on unnecessary gifts, and she was just a child who knew nothing about love, let alone what it meant to kiss on the mouth.

"Okay, then it's a promise, Pham Hanni," she extended her hand.

"You better never break it from now on, Minji-yah," she took Minji's cheeks and leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips.

To this day, Minji regrets that decision and feels a little sorry for her 10-year-old self who agreed so easily to something like that. She was so naive that she had no idea of the consequences such a thing could cause later on.

It wasn't until she turned 14 that her feelings towards Hanni changed. It was just a week after Hanni got her first girlfriend.

"Happy 14th birthday!" She planted a kiss on her lips. "How do you feel? You're basically an adult now," patted her shoulder.

"I'm kinda sad. You know, I saw that book the other day at the store, and I feel so sad that my best friend didn't give it to me for my birthday."

"Hey, you know I don't have money, Minji-yah. That's why we made this promise in the first place. Maybe when I'm older and got a job I'll get it for you. How about that?"

"By the time you work, I won't want it anymore."

"You always have to be so realistic, Kim. What are you going to do today?"

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