The Flame Pokémon-athon!

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[Soon enough, the ground starts rumbling again]

Misty:The Tauros again?                                    Lara:No. That sound could only be.... [said Lara as dust was seen and a herd of Pokémon ran past them]

Ash:Oh, man. They move fast.

????:Howdy, Lara [said a boy, sitting on the Pokémon's back]

Ash Pokedex:Dodrio. A three-headed bird Pokémon that can run faster than it can fly. Its three heads represent joy, sorrow and anger.

????We're going to win the Pokémon race tomorrow [the boy said smugly]

Lara:Don't be too sure, pardner [She said, glaring at him] It takes more than just speed to win the race.

????:Just get ready to lose, Lara. Yee-hee! [he said as his Dodrio takes off]

Misty:What a jerk! Who is that guy?

Lara:He's Dario, a Dodrio trainer. And we'll see what kind of guy he is.

[Somewhere on the ranch, the party takes place]

????:Hey, Lara, good luck in the race tomorrow. [said a food vendor] We're all going to be rooting for you."

Lara:Thank you kindly.

?????Your Ponyta's great [said a woman from the crowd]

Lara:Thank you, ma'am.

?????:Good luck, Lara [said a man in the crowd]

Lara:Appreciate it.

????:Go for it, girl! [said another man in the crowd]

Brock:She must be a real contender in that race.

Misty:Well, she sure has done a great job training that Ponyta of hers.

Lexus:I'd love to have one my Tauros race against her ponyta to see how's faster.

Green:Yeah [said Green as He and Ash take a bite of what they were eating]

Ash:We're really lucky to have run into such an incredible Pokémon breeder, aren't we?

Dario:Hey, Lara! [said Dario, running up behind the small group] All of your Tauros are going crazy back at the ranch.

Quintet:Huh? [they said as they ran back to the ranch. Lara whistles for Ponyta, who then runs up alongside her]

Lara:Hyah! Let's go! [said Lara as she and Ponyta raced to ranch with Growlithe close behind]

[Dario smirks as they head back to the ranch] Lara:Hey. What...? [Lara asked as she watches her herd of Tauros fighting each other] Growlithe, get in there and settle them down.

Growlithe:Growlithe [said Growlithe, jumping over the fence],Growlithe. Growlithe. Growlithe.

[As Growlithe runs around the Tauros, the herd starts to calm down and the dust starts to settle]

Lara:Hmm. Whats that? [Lara asked as she and Ponyta heard something rustling in the grass when suddenly it came out and spooked Ponyta]

[Scared, Ponyta neighs as it tossed Lara off its back and onto the ground. Lara screamed in pain as she landed on her arm]

Ash:Lara! Ponyta! [Ash cried out as he and the others ran up]

Brock:Lara [said Brock as he Lexus and Misty helped her up]

Lara:I think I'm okay [she said, then screamed in pain when she moved her left arm]

Misty:Don't move that arm.

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